taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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Taehyung: You look nervous
"he said and approached you"

Taehyung: do I make you nervous??

Y/N: what are you doing??
*you said and closed your eyes*

Taehyung: I bet you want me to touch you like that

Taehyung: You have dreamed of me to make love to you even once, am I right??

Taehyung: deep down you crave for my touch

Y/N: no...

Taehyung: stop lying

Taehyung: you enjoy this

Taehyung: admit it Y/N..

Taehyung: ask for it Y/N, you only have to ask and I will give it to you

Y/N: stop it

Taehyung: you don't want me to stop, I know it Y/N

Y/N: no, I mean yes, I want you to stop...
"you said, you were breathing heavily"

Taehyung: make me stop then if that's what you want
*he whispered seductively in your ear*

Y/N:I mean it, stop..

You said and turned around to face him

Y/N: Don't dare to touch me again

Tachyung so you didn't like it??

Y/N: no..

You said and ran to your room
You were biting your lips as dirty thoughts were crossing your mind
You were trying to calm your breath when someone texted you..

"And also Jungkook texted you"
Jungkook: Baby i miss you
i want to see you
Y/N: Tomorrow
Jungkook: sweet dreams baby

The next morning you woke up having a weird feeling in your stomach..
Thinking of last night still made your body shudder, you could still feel his touch and the way his fingers caressed your body
You didnt know the reason why you werestill thinking of last night
You felt a strange feeling of lust for Tachyung last night as much as you didn't want to admit it
You felt weird today and the fact that you would face him made you feel nervous..
You took a deep breath, got ready and went downstairs for breakfast
When you went downstairs to the dining room, Taehyung was not alone, a woman was sitting next to him

Woman: helloo
"she said and looked at you disparagingly"

Y/N: umm hi.
"you said with a fake smile"

The woman was his secretary she seemed to like him, she was actually hitting on him
You didn't say anything during breakfast, Taehyung didn't pay any attention to you, it was as if you did not exist, he was smirking and looking at his secretary who was wearing a rather revealing dress . they actually seemed to be flirting
You felt like you wanted to kill her
When she left you were ready to go to your room but Taehyung stopped you

Taehyung: Y/N....

Y/N: huh you knew I was here too

Tachyung what do you mean??

Y/N: your secretary is sexy right?? is sheanything more than your secretary?

Tachyung: what??

Y/N: forget it ..
*you said and left*

You didn't know why you felt so angry, you didn't know why you wanted to kill his secretary
You just wanted to do something that would make you stop feeling that way
"you thought*

*Time skip*
*10:00 pm*

"Jungkook texted you"
Jungkook: Baby im waiting for you
Y/N im on my way

Jungkook: you are finally here

Y/N: yes, let's drink something

You consumed a lot of alcohol, at some point you lost count, everything was dull, you no longer felt yourself

Y/N: I wanna dance

You took him with you to the dance floor
You started dancing provocatively
Jungkook was watching you like he wanted to rip your clothes
He started dancing with you
And then

Y/N: I want you Taehyung ..
*you whispered between the kiss*

Jungkook: wait What??

When you returned home
Taehyung grabbed you

Y/N: what are you doing Taehyung??

Y /N: you are hurting me

Y/N: let go of me, let go

Taehyung: were you with that f*cking bastard??

Y/N: why do you care??

Taehyung: ANSWER ME!

Y/N: why should I tell you??

Taehyung : I'm your husband

Y/N: our marriage isn't real why do you care??

Taehyung : BECAUSE I F*CKING I..

He said and left

Y/N: what??

You were shocked and scared, you followed him with your car, he was driving to Jungkook's hous

Y/N: how does he know I was with him?

Y/N. gosh faster Y/N

Taehyung arrived five minutes before you at Jungkook's house when you got there you quickly got out of your car, the door of Jungkook's house was open so you quickly went inside

Taehyung: your last words trash??

Jungkook: I f*cked your wife

Taehyung was about to shoot
Jungkook when you appeared

Y/N: Tachyung don't do this, please

Taehyung: I warned you Y/N..

Y/N: I know Taehyung, you are right, but please I beg you not to do this, I will never see him again, I swear .. this time it's true, believe me, please

Taehyung: It's too late now, he touched you.

Y/N: what do you mean??

Jungkook: did you know that your wife was a virgin Tachyung??

Tachyung: SHUT UP

Y/N: omg, he's lying Taehyung, nothing happened between us

Y/N: please Taehyung, he's lying

*he put the gun down*

Y/N: let's go home

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now