taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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You returned home with Taehyung, he was very angry and you could see it

Tachyung: don't you ever dare to have any contact with him again.

Y/N: I'm done with him, I swear

Tachyung didn't say anything else, he was about to go to his room but you stopped him

Y/N: but Taehyung wait .. there's something that I can't understand

Taehyung: say it

Y/N: Our marriage is fake, we had agreed to live our lives the way we want, what's your problem with the relationship I have with Jungkook??

Taehyung: people don't know that our marriage is fake, I don't want them think you you are cheating on me.

Y/N: so it's that it

*10:00 am*

The next morning you woke up feeling somehow sad, Tachyung's answer yesterday night made you feel sad, you didn't know why you needed to take some air so you got dressed and went downstairs
Taehyung had already left for work
When you were ready to leave you heard footsteps approaching the dining room, an unknown male voice was heard saying "I'm inside"
You got scared and hid
You were hiding waiting for an opportunity to run out of the house, the man was wandering inside the house opening doors
When you got the chance to run you checked if the field was free and then ran
The man heard your footsteps and started following you immediately
You were running as fast as you could until you collided with someone
You were shocked when you saw who the person was
It was Jungkook

Jungkook: don't make a fuss

He said and took you with him by force

Y/N: why are you doing this Jungkook??

Y/N. please let me go...

Y/N: Taehyung will kill you

Jungkook:I will kill him first

Y/N: why are you doing this Jungkook??

Jungkooks: you will know soon

Jungkook took you to a deserted house, locked you in a room and handcuffed you

Jungkook: call Taehyung

Y/N: what is your purpose Jungkook??

Jungkook: he stole you from me Y/N, now he will pay for that

Y/N: no Jungkook, we had nothing

Jungkook: if he didn't steal you from me you would be mine now, call him now!

Y/N: no

Jungkook: call him now and tell him to
Taehyung come and save you if you want him alive

You didn't say anything and just called Taehyung

Y/N: Tachyung .. don't seek to find me, 1 am okay and I will be okay, don't come to find me, please

You said quickly, Jungkook grabbed the phone
from your hands

Jungkook: do you want your wife d*ck?? then come and take her.

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now