taehyung as ur cold mafia husband

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Taehyung followed you to your room

Y/N: what's with you Taehyung??

Taehyung :what did you say Y/N?

Y/N: leave, now

You said and you were about to open the door for him to leave but he grabbed your arm
And then he wrapped his hand around your waist and pulled your body closer to his

Taehyung: let me remind you how good lam

He said and pressed his soft lips on yours
The kiss was intoxicating and passionate like the last time
The way he was kissing you . helonew how to drive you crazy
As he was kissing you he softly pinned you to the wall
You were trying not to kiss him back, it was so hard for you
Your lips wanted to respond to his kiss, you craved for him but your pride and your fear wouldn't leave you this time, you wouldn't do the same mistake again.
You said and you were about to open the door for him to leave but he grabbed your arm
So you pushed him away

Y/N: get out, NOW!

Taehyung: lets continue this in bed

Y/N: you

Taehyung: try to slap me again and everyone here will hear you screaming my name

A hot air penetrated your body when hesaid that.

Taehyung: but your screams will only be of pleasure.

Taehyung: I will make these beautiful lips bleed one day

That night you couldn't sleep, after the kiss that Taehyung gave you and the things that he said to you, he made your mind a chaos of different dirty thoughts
You needed to take some cold air, to clear your mind
So you decided to go for a walk
You also wanted to see the beautiful Paris because you would return back to South Korea tomorrow
So you got out of your room and started walking towards the elevator which would lead you to the ground floor
But when you were about to pass Tach yung's room and reach the elevator you saw his secretary walking out of his room
You immediately wondered why she was in his room at that hour
And then ran to the elevator with tears in your eyes
You sat at the hotel's bar and started drinking a lot of alcohol
Tears were falling non-stop on your cheeks
Your heart was aching
You had really fallen in love with him, you couldn't deny it to yourself anymore
After you got drunk you started wandering in the alleys of paris
You were crying, alone
That's why you didn't want to let yourself fall in love with him. because you knew that he would never love you
You were crying inconsolably but then you heard a voice calling your name
The person who called your name was..

Jungkook: Y/N??

*He approached you and sat next to you*

Jungkook: what's wrong??

Y/N: how what are you doing here Jungkook??
*you asked in a weak voice*

Jungkook: don't cry..

He said and wiped your tears

Jungkook: no one deserves your tears ..

Jungkook: please.. don't cry

He stayed and comforted you

Jungkook: it's cold, let's go somewhere warm

He took you to a restaurant

You were under the influence of alcohol, and sad you didn't have a clear mind

He made you laugh

But then tears started falling from your eyes again you were laughing and crying at the same time

Y/N: I love him

Jungkook: he doesn't deserve your tears Y/N drink, you will feel better

Y/N: I've drunk a lot

Jungkook: it's okay drink, alcohol will make you feel better

Y/N: he was with his secretary, in his room..
*you said and burst into tears again*

Jungkook: that ugly secretary?

Y/N: she's ugly right??

Jungkook: if i was him i would be in that room with you

Y/N: Ju.. Jungkook

Jungkook: because Y/N im in love with you

*You felt shy*

Jungkook: if you were mine i would kiss these beautiful lips of yours right now to stop crying from him

Jungkook: you are perfect Y/

Y/N: stop Jungkook

Y/N: I need to go back to the hotel

Jungkook accompanied you back to the hotel

Jungkook: Y/N
*he said and held your hands

Jungkook: don't be sad okay??

Jungkook: Im sony for what I did . Cfcelquality I didnt want to sere you that day, Iwould never hurt you

Y/N I know, but Taehyung

Jungkook: yes, I know, please stop.

You said nothing and you searched in your bag for your key

Jungkook: Y/N wait

taehyung as your cold  mafia husband Where stories live. Discover now