Destiny Harkon - Task One

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User: Lawyer_HeavenlyYard

I continued to walk down the grey pavement until I spotted the large words engraved on an ark:

"Carter Hollow Academy"

I let out a sigh of relief,I've arrived.

Beside the large gate that was probably for vehicles,there was a narrow one.

I went towards it and reached out for my ID,then I showed it in front of the guard.

He nodded at me and opened the gate,allowing access.

I muttered a silent "thank you" to him before continuing to walk towards the building.

I walked up the steps then turned towards the direction where the theatre was.

I remembered them telling me that there'll be an orientation for the students,which I find convenient.

Once I opened the doors,I saw that there were only few people seated upon the front row chairs.

They were probably a few other employees,meaning I should also sit too.

I walked forward by the left wing and easily found an empty chair.

Once I comfortably sat down,I rested my bag upon my lap.

I waited for the place to be filled,then I heard a loud murmur accompanied by footsteps.

I looked behind and saw many teenagers in their Carter Hollow uniform.

"I hope everything will be fine here. " I thought to myself before turning my gaze towards the stage.

I noticed that two people were on stage: the Principal,Adam Bennett, and a woman I didn't recognize.

I took another glance at the noisy crowd behind me, you would definitely expect this kind of environment during meetings.

The tapping of a microphone caused my attention to draw back towards the stage,I noticed that the students have stopped talking.

Adam finally spoke,"Welcome to the Carter Hollow Academy and a new year of learning!"

He continued to give his speech while I heard a few murmurs behind me,they were probably excited.

"Also, I'd like to introduce Arabella Blackwell. She'll be evaluating our campus and student progress this year. "

Adam turns towards the woman,who looked at him back before proceeding to walk towards the pedestal.

"So that's her name. " I thought,sensing a familliar tone in her surname. 

Isn't the Blackwell family descendants of Carter Sparrow?

I think I researched much into the history of this school last night.

"Welcome students to Carter Hollow Academy. I am happy to be here with you and I look forward to watching you all grow over the course of this year. "

Arabella gave her speech and left.

After that,a few reminders were given and all went out.

I suppose this is the time I go to the library.

I walked around and spotted the door with a gargoyle.

Before my hands could make contact with the doorknob,a scream prompted me to cover my ears,buffering the sound for a little amount.

I turned around and saw everyone rushing towards a tree,something must've happened.

I was able to make my way towards the spectators,then I glanced at the body of a boy.

A few moments later,the police arrived and placed the yellow line around the body,not before covering him with a sheet.

This can't be...a student dies on the first day of school?

A girl who must've been the one screaming was talking to Arabella and the others.

A glance I remember at the body awhile ago made me think that this was no accident.

I've tried to refuse it,but something is telling me that someone murdered this student.

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