Harlow King - Task One

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User: GossipQueen101

Adrenalin was flowing through my veins. I'd been accepted to teach at Carter Hollows high and the new school year was starting today. The wind was flowing through my un-brushed hair and I was as ready as I'd ever be.

I suddenly snapped out of it when I felt a harsh throbbing strike my head.

"Ah! What the?!" I stumbled and crashed to the pavement, my hand shooting to the source.

I suppose daydreaming on a morning run wasn't my best idea.

"Miss, are you alright?!" I felt a strong hand on my shoulder and looked up to see a dark haired man in a fitted charcoal suit.

"Uh...I think I'm fine, thanks." Of course I wasn't fine, but he didn't need to know that. I rubbed my forehead again and slowly pushed myself off the cement. The stranger held his hand out to me and I gratefully clasped it as he helped me up.

"Well" he chuckled deeply "it was nice to meet you. Even under the circumstances." He shook my hand and went on his way.

I mentally scolded myself for not concentrating. I could already feel a bump rising on my head.


I turned around and jogged the short distance back to my new apartment.


Though my day had gotten off to a bad start, I powered on, my straightener in one hand and my brush in the other. I'd chosen subtle earthy tones for my makeup. I didn't want to scare the students with my usually bold and colorful lipstick and eyeshadow. I chucked my hair up into a high ponytail, smoothing out the bumps. I still had my towel tucked under my arms as I finished up my makeup and hair.

My outfit was already set out on my bed. I'd prepared everything last night when I couldn't sleep. I was a mixture of nervous and excited, butterflies filled my stomach as I slipped on my outfit. I put on a high rising tight skirt, coming down to my knees. I put on a button up, white shirt over the top and tucked it in loosely. Unfortunately,  the shirt had to have the Carter Hollows High emblem on the pocket. I stepped into the hallway, admiring myself in front of the full length mirror. Before stepping out the door with my tote bag full of things needed for the day, I grabbed my confidence builders. My incredibly high, drop dead gorgeous, classic black heels that I wore to every job interview; with the exception of McDonald's.

I almost took a fall down the buildings steep steps but shot my hand out to grip the railing just in time. No more embarrassing incidents were going to get in my way of a perfect day. As I pushed the door and stepped out, I realized that it had gotten much windier since my run. The leaves were being ripped from the small trees planted in holes in the concrete, people were even preparing umbrellas, just in case. Oh god, if it started to rain my hair would go into an absolute frenzy! Not today...I prayed. I shoved my hand into my bag, hoping that today of all days I remembered a jumper. I breathed a sigh of relief, even in the chaos that was unfolding around me, when my fingers found the warm fabric of my grey long sleeve shirt. I walked quickly, becoming hastier by the minute. All this work on my face was NOT going to go down the drain.

I laughed at my own joke and continued to speed walk all the way. 

When I arrived at my destination, it took my breath away. I hadn't seen it since the job interview and I had forgotten how beautiful the architecture was. I stared up in awe, completely lost in the intricate stone statues and pillars.

I noticed a man looking quite stressed, pacing near the fountain. I walked a little closer so I was within his ear shot and cleared my throat.


He shot around and his eyes found mine. His face softened.

"Nice to see you again! I'm sorry but I've forgotten your name" he laughed at him self quietly "terrible memory. What was it?" His brows furrowed as he thought long and hard about what my name was.

"It's Harlow. Harlow King" I said. Interrupting his train of thought, he looked up at the sound of my voice.

"Oh! Of course! Harlow. Welcome. Uh we're just having a few...issues at the moment so I'll just lead the way to the staff room."

I followed behind as he walked through the doors and down the hall.

I was thinking about what 'issues' could be occurring when an anxious looking staff member rushed from one of the many doors.

"Adam, the students are getting out of hand."

Adam looked from the woman to me.

"Uh, Miss King, I'm sorry but I have a few problems to attend to. Just go down the hall, it's the left door at the very end!" He said as he walked backwards towards the exit.

He rushed out the door that the woman had come through and we were both left stranded in an awkward silence.

I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything as I walked in the direction that Mr Bennet had pointed me.

In the staff room, most desks were empty, so I chose one next to a window and emptied the contents of my tote back onto the top; my laptop, a health textbook, pencil case, my lunch, and my phone. 

I sat there, re-arranging my things around the desk, the curiosity bubbling inside me. I wanted to know what was happening.

I couldn't sit there any longer. I stood up and made my way out the staff room and to the door that Mr Bennet had gone out of a few minutes before.

I slowly pushed it open. I couldn't help but laugh at how childish I was. Gossip was my life. It was probably just a punch up.

When bright yellow caution tape came into view my smile was quickly replaced. I saw blood. I saw a body bag. I saw crying students, crying parents. I saw looks of panic.

"Miss King..." I saw Adam out of the corner of my eye but couldn't bring my stare from the scene before me.

"I was going to come and tell you about it as soon as I'd finished out here."

He looked at the crime scene and back to me

"one of the students has passed away due to...unknown circumstances..."

I closed my eyes tightly to take it all in. What had I gotten myself into...

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