Destiny Harkon - Challenge Two

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User: Lawyer_HeavenlyYard

I stumble into the tunnel blankly, curiosity overtaking. I didn't know what came to my mind, I needed to find the murderer. Now, all I've got is this tunnel intersection.

So many paths, what could they lead into?I heard the clicking of a door, oh no. My mind went abrupt, running towards the nearest one and tried to open. But it can't.

"It can't be..." I muttered.Everyone, they could be anywhere, I don't think the police escorts are here right now.

"Help!" A few voices cried out. I looked around, but darkness came.I felt blind, adrenaline started to flow. It was too dark.That was when I heard a scream, full of agony and terror it echoed throughout the place.

I felt something hit my right leg, making me scream.I bent forward to reach it, I felt hair before touching something liquid.When I leaned closer to smell it, I immediately backed away. It was blood!

"Who's there?" I asked. If only I had a flashlight with me, then I can find others.But this person, how did she or he die? Could the rumors of many murderers be true?I heard three stabs, equaled by screams and shouts, thumps were heard.

"We're going to die!"I heard a boy shout. I felt my heart beat rapidly as I heard him scream.Where was I?

"Where are you?"A person's voice spoke in an eery tone. I gulped and kept silent, hoping no one was close.I heard someone's phone ring, good thing whoever that is got it. I hope they don't die.I had to move. I told myself. If not, I'm dead for sure.

Indeed I obeyed my thoughts, slowly making a step towards the direction north, my arms extended.When I felt them touch something hard, I pressed myself against the wall, hoping the danger to pass.Is there still hope in this school?

I felt lucky to do that, for I heard two figures rush behind me. The one in front panted loudly.I heard a thump followed by a more, agonizing scream than the last.

That's when the realization hit me: This isn't a murder! It's a massacre, many people are dying!

I gulped my tears down, remembering it all. The dark, it was a constant reminder of the past, I have no time for that.I remember hearing about those movies where people turn insane after staring into the dark abyss for too long, where people imagine monsters and are led to death. I didn't want that to happen, nor for death.

I just closed my eyes and saw a girl blowing her birthday cake, and there was a man beside her. It all changed when she was on the road, the man clutched her arm tightly. It was dark, very dark.

A van stopped in front of them, armed men came a distance cornered the two siblings, the poor siblings.They pointed their guns at the girl, as soon as the triggers pulled, her brother pushed her out of the way and greeted death instead. The girl ran away back to her house, to break the sad news. I remembered that girl, she was me.

Will I face death the same way as I should have?I prayed silently, silent tears dropped, if I deserved death now, let it come. But if not, have me spared along with the rest.

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