Chapter 10

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Yosee and Ilhoon went in a classy restaurant that is just near the hotel.
Ilhoon does not want to cause more trouble and is intent on staying at the good side of Dongwoon.
But judging from what he witnessed earlier, he needs a lot of work to be in Dongwoon's good side.
Ilhoon returned his attention back to Yosee who is dotted across from him. She really transformed tonight.
He suddenly feels nervous. He is at a loss for words. It is like this is his first date. He was not even nervous during his first date a few years back.
" excuse me." He called out for a waiter. " can I have some water?" Unconsciously, he switched to using his British accent. He is nervous and is getting thirsty all of a sudden.
The waiter nodded and returned to their table with a glass of water. "How are you doin?" The waiter politely asked.
"Fine. I'm fine." He tried to convince himself and took a sip of the water which is more like a gulp. "Excuse me. May I see the menu?"
The waiter handed him the menu.
Ilhoon scanned the menu. But he could not recognize anything. Get a grip of yourself! Ilhoon said to himself mentally. How can Yosee affect him this much?
The waiter sensed Ilhoon's predicament and explained each dish to him.
Ilhoon nodded his head from time to time. Still not understanding anything. " yeah! .. okay.. we want all of them!" Ilhoon said after the waiter finished.
Yosee looked at Ilhoon in alarm. Her eyes growing wide. " Oppa! I will just have the salmon and the spaghetti with mussels."
"Okay." The waiter nodded. "Good choice."
"Thank you." Ilhoon said out.

While waiting, Yosee decided to break the awkwardness.
"Hoonie, Oppa!" She wanted to share her bonding moments with Minjoo earlier.
"You look great!" Ilhoon cut her short.
" I actually did not want to wear make up since I was scared of what I would look like after ." She admitted shyly.
Ilhoon took a sip from his glass of water to stop himself from blushing. "You look amazing! I could not tell it was you."
Yosee's smile faltered.
" I meant it in a good way.." Ilhoon recanted. Gosh! I'm messing this up so bad!, Ilhoon thought.
"Are you okay?" Yosee asked in a while.
"Yeah!" He replied. He thought of something that would not make Yosee bored since their food will take some time to prepare.
Ilhoon slowly took out his mobile phone. He took a candid shot of Yosee secretly.
But Yosee caught Ilhoon and laughed.
"How did you know that I took a picture of you?" He asked.
"Because that's what I have been doing also." Yosee laugh again. She showed him hire pictures from her gallery.
Ilhoon laugh and then took a picture of Yosee once again. She quickly posted it in his IG.

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