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Quick A/N At End Of Part, Please Read!
Tw/Cws unknown[but if there should be any plz lmk!]

Dark. Everything is dark and foggy.

Trees? The woods?

Footsteps? no, running?

Metallic smell. Blood? Is that blood?

Pain. So, so much pain.

Yellow hoodie? Stripped brown hoodie? Weird yellow jacket? something...

Tall white faceless man?




I jolted awake to a loud knock on my door, I rolled around, not wanting to wake up but the way the sun shone through my bedroom window and right into my eyes forced me to wake up a bit more then i already was due to whatever that dream was and the knocking.
I groaned and covered my face with a pillow, laying there for a few minutes until I was fully woken up by another loud banging on my door.

"D/n! Wake your ass up!" My father yelled, I hit myself in the face with the pillow once before sitting up and replying just as he started to bang on the door again

"I'm u-up, I'm up! J-Jesus, I'm up!" I shouted back before flopping back down onto my pillow and grabbing my phone from the windowsill that I use as a little place to put things.

I turned on my phone, looking at the screen to check the time
7:40am is what my screen read, I dropped my phone down next to me and sighed.

Why do I have to wake up so early when it's literally freaking summer?

After laying there for a few minutes I finally forced myself up and out of bed before sluggishly making my way to the front room.



When I entered the front room, I saw Stella sitting on the front room floor with a small stuffed lamb in her lap and painfully close to the old box TV that sat on top the hard wood entertainment stand, how that TV still worked was beyond me.

"Mornin St-Stell" I said ruffling her hair as I walked past her and sat in the armchair nearby, pulling my legs up onto it to sit with my knees to my chest.

"Morn'tin" She replied quietly, not really taking her attention of the TV that was playing whatever cartoons that were on cable.

"Have you-you eaten breakfast-fast yet today s-stella" I asked the small blond girl, pulling her attention from the TV, she looked at me and shook her head

"No, mama ish't still sleepin'ths and dad lef' for wor'th already" she said looking back at the TV, i sighed before getting up and kneeling down next to Stella

"C'mon kiddo let's ge-get you s-s-something to eat" I said to her as I picked her up then put her on my hip and carried her into the kitchen with only minimal struggle.
I know that if I didn't bring her to the kitchen, she would never leave her spot Infront of the TV.

Don't Forget The Sun•|•Creepypasta X FTM!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now