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knife?...gun?...axe?..crow bar?...

car engine?...


gun shots?...


what the hell is going on?..

my eyes quickly shot open, my breathing a bit too heavy for having just 'woken up' from a dream. i quickly look around my surroundings, not fully recognizing were i was at first, i rubbed my eyes with my jacket sleeves and attempted to get my breathing under control.

Once i had my breathing somewhat normal again and had calmed down a bit i finally realized were i was. i was sitting on the edge of a bridge that wasn't too far from my dad's place, it ran over a larger ditch and was fairly low to the ground and was on one of the less busy backstreets.
 i sighed and leaned forward and up against the railing with my legs dangling off the side. 

"What the h-hell even was that s-s-shit?" i mumbled.

When did i even fall asleep? last i had checked i was just sitting here reading, did i pass out or something? God what time even is it? 
I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen, the time read 1:33pm. ah shit I've been out here for like 2 and a haft hour and haven't checked in with Brookly, she's gonna kill me. I quickly stood up, grabbing my backpack from the ground next to wear i sat and slipping it onto my back, i shoved my phone back into my pocket before getting onto my bike and starting back to the house.

dropping my bike down in its usual spot on the side of the house, i sprinted to the back door in hopes of avoiding a possibly angry Brooklyn by entering through there instead of the front door.

 The second i stepped inside and had tried my best to quietly shut the door, i booked it down the hallway towards my bedroom.
The second id made it to my bedroom door and put my hand on the doorknob I heard footsteps behind me making me freeze in my place.

"S-shit.." I quietly whispered to myself.

"Shit for sure" Brooklyn said in a mocking tone.
I slowly turned around on my heels to meet a definitely upset Brooklyn who had her arms crossed in front of her.

"So where the hell have you been? You've been gone for like nearly four hours and didn't check in with me once. I thought you went missing or something y/n!" She said in a stern but not angry tone that was mixed with concern, it was more of a 'you've fucked up and had me worried' tone rather than the stern angry 'you totally fucked up and are so punished or grounded' tone my mother got on her better days.
i stood there awkwardly for a moment before replying. 

"I've jus-just been out r-riding my bike around the area" i mumbled, my reply being haft assed and partly a lie.

"You sure about that?" She pushed, raising her eyebrow.

"yeah I'm p-p-pretty frickin s-sure Brooklyn" I snapped but immediately regretted it and a feeling of guilt washed over me.
 I'm in no place to get an attitude with her, she's just concerned, I'm the one who's lying.

She sighed and shook her head a bit.

"You're lying but I'll drop the subject for now because that bad temper of yours is making a reappearance" she said, a joking tone lacing her voice as she spoke the last bit.

I blinked and tried my best to keep a blank expression on my face but couldn't stop myself from frowning a bit at the mentions of my temper, I got it from dad, it's one of the many traits I got that my sisters seemingly dodged, well for the most part, we've both got fairly short tempers but hers is nothing like mine, Scarlett is much more patience and calm, defiantly not nearly as short fused and easy to set off as i am.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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