Lazy day

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We all sat on the couch and Ace decided to stay because Luke offered and I had already befriended him and Luke wouldn't say no to me. Luke turned on the tv and put Netflix on we didn't know what movie to watch so we jus kept scrolling through we decided to all stay in and order lunch to Luke's apartment. I asked Luke if I could invite Oli over since I haven't seen him and he said yes so I texted him.


Me: hey Oli I'm sorry I have texted you back but I was wondering if you wanted to catch up today for lunch.

Oli: hey I'm so glad your ok and yes I'd love too where abouts?

Me: I'm at Luke house with a friend do you mind if u could come over and we could all have lunch together and watch movies.

Oli: yeah of course what time and what's the address?

Me: about 1:00pm and 103 stiles street, apartment 226

Oli: ok perfect see you then

Me: bye

Oli: cya.

*End of text*

Me:"I texted Oli he said he'll be here around 1" I said to the boys
Ace:"who's Oli?"
Me:"long story short we're friends"
Ace:"oh okay cool"
Luke found a movie to watch until Oli gets here we watched Rio.


The movie just finished and Oli will be here soon so Luke went to shower and ace had already had one after me.
Me and ace were just chatting for awhile getting to know each other about 20 mins went by and we heard a knocking at the door I got up and sprinted to the door exited to see Oli again after what felt like so long he was the nicest person I've ever met. I opened the door and seen Oli. I jumped into his arms and he carried me inside and shut the door behind him. I started tearing up from how much I had missed him. He just hugged me back until I hopped down and turned around to introduce ace to him they got along quite well which I was glad. I heard the bathroom door open and seen a shirtless Luke, his abs sculptured like a model. He was so hot and he had a nice tan and a line of hair running from his belly button down. I just stood there staring at him for a minute until he said
Luke:"why don't you take a picture"
I instantly blushed and looked down he just smirked at me and said hey to Oliver and went to get a shirt on. I continued to talk to Oli and Ace then Luke came back out and joined us and we all chilled on the couch for the rest of the day watching movies and ordering food. I sat in between Oli and Luke and ace sat next to Oli I ended up laying on all the boys I put my legs on Luke lap and my head in aces and my body was on top of Oliver's lap so I was looking up and I eventually drifted off after about two movies. All I felt was Ace playing with my hair which relaxed me even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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