Chapter One

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Ten years have passed as the Taylor Family goes through life. Hitting major milestones, juggling family and business. Bottomlessly loving and learning together. Things have changed and are different now but it all makes sense when you realize there are two teenagers in the house and a little boy who drives everyone crazy. Mia is 16 years old who is a sophomore in highschool, while Melody is 15 years old and a freshman. Messiah is a 10 year old fourth grader who has the world at his feet with his charm and wit. Messiah made his appearance in the world and brought a new light over the Taylors. He was a perfect mix of Fatima and Zac, and has the biggest lovable personality.

The family likes to say Messiah is definitely his fathers's child but thankfully for all the good reasons. Messiah plays football, leaving the Taylor's busy with his games, Melody's dance competitions and supporting Mia as well.

Messiah loves his sisters and they love him. He likes to think he's the big brother, with his protective stunts and the scolding he does when the girls are at it.
Mia and Melody enjoyed being the big sisters of the group but the two began to clash frequently when thy started high school. Mia started cheerleading and wears a big head because she's viewed as the IT Girl.
Leading the pack with her cockiness, while Melody decided she'd rather do dance leading her own pack, with her own status.

Business for the Taylors have expanded  internationally and the Taylor's collectively love it because of the amount of traveling they can do. Fatima resumed her role as Zac's partner, wearing multiple hats but not too many. Once the business expanded so did the amount of employees.

Andi and Robin welcomed a new baby into the family after so many of years rejecting the idea. Amelia is 1 years old now and Amani is 20 years old, living his best life in college studying to follow after his mother as a lawyer.

Danni and Preston called it a one and done. Hunter is a freshman in high school right along with Melody, ironically in the same class. He plays for the highschool's basketball team that Mia cheers for.

Mia celebrated her 16th birthday and was gifted her first car, of course she's riding in style. There's no other way to do it when you're a Taylor, her father made sure she was happy. Melody and Mia go to school together everyday even if takes them to argue the entire way there.

"This is why I don't let you use anything now, how did you break my car charger" Mia complained and Melody takes a deep breath before responding.

"Mia it's so early, is it really that deep. The cord was stuck on the side of the seat, it was going to break anyways"  Melody responded taking a sip of her Starbucks

"Yes it's that deep to me" Mia responds as they pull into the school parking lot and Melody doesn't respond. It was too early and Mia was a nagger and dramatic.

"Whole time I didn't break your charger" Melody says

"Yes you did! So how did it break I was just using it yesterday!" Mia says

"You know you're so damn annoying over nothing! It's a freaking charger, imma tell mommy that this how you act over a fucking charger" Melody says getting out the car slamming the door.

Mia got out after seeing Melody walking close to the school entrance looking down at her phone as she continued in.

The two separated into their own grade areas. The thing about Mia and Melody is that when they're good, they are really good. Their bond is unmatchable and they're a dangerous duo together. But when they're at odds, they're always at one another's throats regardless of what it is. Constant bickering, provoked by Mia which has always shocked Zac and Fatima because growing up Mia was very soft spoken and mild tempered. As they grew older it was as if Melody and Mia switch personalities. Don't get it wrong, Melody is not one to start with but Mia is a true definition of a Mean Girl.

The day goes by as the two go through school, seeing each other a few times in the hallway but paid each other no mind.

The school day ended and the two had practice. Mia's cheerleading practices ends 10 minutes before Melody is finished. She usually comes and sit in the last few minutes of Melody's practice but today she didn't.  Melody realized that and shrugged her shoulders, thinking Mia's practice probably ran over on time or she was just sitting in the car waiting .

Melody finished her practice, changing her shoes walking out the school doors to not see Mia's white  Mercedes in the parking lot. She immediately calls her. The phone rang and before Melody wanted to end the call Mia answers the phone.

"Where are you I'm out of practice" Melody says irritated

"I didn't feel like waiting for you. Catch a Uber or something," Mia says

"It's like that over a charger!?" Melody ask raising her voice and Mia ends the call

"Ooool I can't wait to tell, that bitch." Melody mumbled to herself as she went to the Uber app and ordered her ride.

After less than 10 minutes, Melody was on her way home taking only about 15 minutes to get there. When she arrived Mia's car wasn't in the driveway. She walked in the house and was greeted by Messiah.

"Mel!" He says eager to hug her as she embraces him.

"Siah where's mommy?" Melody ask

"She's out back with Daddy" he says following behind her
"How was practice Siah, how'd you play?"

"Practice was cool man, you know how I do" he says trying to sound cool.

"You ain't fall today did you" Melody says joking and Messiah sucked his teeth.

"Melody stop" he whined " that was once!"

"Yeah yeah" she says opening the backyard sliding door to go out to where her parents were.

"Mom!" Melody calls out catching her Mother's attention and Fatima watched Zac on a ladder as he replaced one of the lights for the backyard.

"Hey Mel how was school" Fatima says.

"Hey dad" Melody says. Melody and Fatima embrace each other in a hug as Zac gets down from the ladder.

"Hey baby girl" he says hugging her as well

"School was fine, your daughter is a lunatic" Melody says as both parents shook their head knowing how their daughters are.

"Where is she?" Fatima ask

"I don't know maybe you should call her. I caught an uber home!" Melody says to her parents

"Why did you do that? Is she still at practice?" Zac says not realizing the time

"No the hell she isn't" Fatima says grabbing her phone scrolling to hit her contact.

"She left me daddy over a charger" Melody explain to Zac as Fatima is busy calling Mia's phone

"Huh?" He says confused

"She said I broke her charger this mornin-

"Hello?" Mia answers the phone

"Where are you?" Fatima ask

"I'm coming now, I went back to the school because Melody wasn't there but I'm guessing she's home"

"You're such a liar!" Melody yells out as the call is on speaker phone.

"You have 5 minutes to park the car in the driveway Mia." Fatima says

"I'm parking now mom" Mia says before the call ends.

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