Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm not cheating on that girl- I" Preston gets out just before Zac cuts him off.

"That's I all I needed to know bro" he says throwing his hands in the air "that's all I need to know" he repeated and Preston laughs

"Women are a trip." Preston says " You damn right. I told Fatima to mind her business" Zac says

"That's something that they all can't do, you know that. You'd pay them a million dollars they still gon have their ears to the streets" Preston says chuckling

"You ain't lying about that, you ain't lying" Zac says finishing his beer. Just as he was putting the empty beer bottle on the bar his phone rang. He flips it over, it was Fatima for the tenth time, probably more but he lost count. He picks it up

"What Fatima?" He ask

"Zac stop playing with me. You seen how many times I called your goddamn phone. Do you wanna die?!" Fatima says angrily

"I don't have the energy for this right now" He says nonchalantly

"Where the hell you at gon leave out of here like that are you crazy?!" She asked raising her voice slightly

"No are you?! Tell me who B is." he says

"Zac I'm not doing this with you, bring your ass back to this office" she says

"Naw fuck all that, who is B" he says not trying to hear anything she's saying.

"You heard what the fuck I said bring your ass, you got 10 minutes" she said

"I don't know who the hell you talking to" Zac says giving off a nonchalant laugh

"You heard what the fuck I said Zachary" Fatima says  ending the call before zac could come with a rebuttal.

Zac puts his phone down and Preston starts laughing.

"You gon get yourself hurt, stop playing with T" Preston says antagonizing him

"Whole time, your wife is setting up a sniper right now to kill your ass" Zac says standing from the bar and Preston laughs

"I know who I married" Preston says still laughing. He knows how dramatic Danni is, he's use to her assuming and jumping to conclusions pretty much about everything.

"But I see you getting up" Preston says continues to make fun at him

"Man shut up" Zac says leaving the bar

"Gon have you standing in the corner beating your ass" with a belt" Preston yells out laughing as Zac excited the bar, making his way back to the office.

When he got back to the office, he walked right by Fatima's office. She quickly seen his body and hopped up, following after him into his office. She shut the door behind her.

"Are you dumb?" She ask

"Are you?" He responded sarcastically

"You're mad about anonymous flowers, seriously?" Fatima says with her face bald up m

"They ain't anonymous, you know exactly who B is. Because whoever he is, he was comfortable enough to send the shits in the first place with your friendly ass" Zac says

"Friendly? Says the friendliest nigga in the fucking school yard. The same nigga that-... You know what? I'm not doing this with you" Fatima says

"Yeah when the shit on you, you just not doing it" he says

"I done told your ass a thousands times I don't know a fucking B" Fatima stressed for the last time

"Ard yo" Zac responds

"You know what... fuck it! Be mad Zachary" she says as she opens the door to exit

"Go find out who the fuck B is and then come back" Zac says looking at her exit the room

She made it her duty to slam his office door.

The day went by some and school was out for Messiah, Fatima headed her way to pick him up.

"How was your day bud?" Fatima ask him as he strapped in his seatbelt.

"Mom, I hate the kids in my class" he said and Fatima laughed a little, his face was so mad

"Why Siah? Hate is a strong word" Fatima says driving

"Because now we don't have recess tomorrow" he says

"What did y'all do to lose recess?" Fatima ask

"Mr Dawson kept saying stop talking and sit down but everyone kept playing" Messiah explained

"Did you play a role in the reason for losing recess?" Fatima ask

"No.... I mean I was talking a little " Messiah says and Fatima cuts him off "that's you playing a part

" But I was just talking. There were kids who were play fighting" he says

" I don't care, you talking isn't following directions. You're suppose to always do good even when no one's watching. Do you understand me?" Fatima says

"Yes but mo-"

"Shit, hold on Siah" Fatima says as she just remembered the girls had a half day at school today. She faintly remembered Melody texting saying they took an Uber and was home, around 12.

"I have to call your Father" she says pushing his contact on the car. It rang once and turned off. He declined it. She tried once more, and same thing

"Oh well, you'll be a salty ass" Fatima mumbled to herself before starting the conversation back up with Messiah.

Back with Zac. It was around the usual time he would go pick the girls up. He pulled in the school parking lot at exactly 3pm. The half day was for professional development so he seen teachers moving around near the building, some leaving to their cars, usual sighting.

He sat for a few minutes as he intensely looked around the school. The girls were not there. He called Melody's phone because Mia still doesn't have hers. There was no answer. On the home front, Melody was sleeping. Her phone was on do not disturb and even her Father being in her favorites allowing a call to come through, she was a very heavy sleeper. A phone ringing was definitely not going to wake her.

Zac sat for ten more minutes and he called Fatima. Fatima declined the call, returning the energy he gave her.

"Nope you wanted to be an asshole" she says as she declined the call.

Zac sped off cursing. He didn't know where the girls were. As he drove home he tried to call Fatima and Melody again. No answer.

After about a 10 minute commute of almost 100 mph he arrived home. Seeing Fatima's car parked, as it usually would be around this time. He hops out going in the house. Melody was slowly coming down the stairs as Fatima stood in the kitchen cooking.

"Oh y'all think this is a game" He ask seeing Melody who was still half sleep and confused

"Dad what?"

"I was waiting for you after school and your ass didn't show. I called you!" He says while slightly raising his voice

"Dad we had a half day. I was sleep" she simply says as Zac realizes her attire, loungewear.

"Well where the hell is Mia" Zac ask Melody

"I don't know dad, probably out back on the hammock or something" Melody responds getting a water. Fatima watch his panic, smirking. He finally brings his attention to Fatima who was still smirking.

"Should've answered the phone" she said continuing what she was doing no longer paying him any mind.

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