Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine

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"So it's not only having sex, but you're doing it unprotected as IF we've never talked using protection whenever you do decide to be sexually active" Fatima says to Melody who sat with beady eyes.

"Why were't y'all using protection Melody?" Fatima ask

"We.. we were-

"If you were you wouldn't be sitting here with a damn pregnancy test in your hand. What the hell do you mean?! Was he pressuring you?" Fatima ask

"No! We were using them first but we ran out so-

"So you said fuck it and still had sex KNOWING what the possibilities of that could bring!" Fatima yelled

"I know... I " Melody says getting chocked up

"Do you know?! Because you're acting like you don't!"

"So if you know then why did you have your sister take you to get a pregnancy test?" Fatima says and Mia's mouth opens as her name is mentioned.

"What does it say Melody?" Mia ask and Melody looks
down as the test flash before the result pop up

"Did the test load?" Zac ask walking back in the room

"It's negative" she says lowly and everyone could feel a sense of pressure releasing off of them. Mia watched her father and he didn't say a word. Him and Melody shared intense eye contact. Melody felt and seen the disappointment in her father's eyes.

"Don't mistake this as a free pass. Your ass is lucky both of y'all are for that matter. I swe-


"And you fucking lucky too! But ... you you yeah we gon talk" Zac says finding it hard to gather his words. He left out of the room leaving all of his girls.

Fatima took a deep breath.

"I know you both are different... but y'all are doing the same exact shit! How are you not thinking about all of what your sister has put herself through. That wasn't just a lesson for Mia, but for you too! Do you think this is like a game? Like I'll do this and move on to the next level?" Fatima says looking at her "Is that what that is?" Fatima ask

"No" Melody says

"Are you sure?! Because you want to make grown decisions but you're not ready for what can come with being grown."

"I'm sorry" Melody says

"I don't want you to be sorry Melody! It's not about being sorry it's about being careful and thinking about what you're doing! You don't even want to wash your own damn clothes but you wanna have sex! I don't understand!" Fatima says raising her voice

"I'm going to make you an appointment, hopefully before the night ends so we can make sure everything is good with you. This shìt is not a joke." Fatima says pulling her phone out.

"I didn't mean for this to happen" Melody says

"Melody please" Fatima says as she calls her OBGYN.

Melody looks at Mia for comfort but Mia didn't have anything for her. Mia watched it play out and she could only think about when she was sitting in the same position. It took for that to happen to her for her to value what her parents had told her about making decisions.

"You have an appointment in an hour." Fatima says looking at Melody for a minute and then leaving her room.

"Mia" Melody says through the tears that were working up again and Mia shook her head.

"I told you to be careful Mel." Mia says

Fatima sat in her head letting everything process. The second time around had her feeling like God was going to definitely try to prove his point with Melody. She was thanking God that the bullet was dodged yet again.

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