Monkeys and Love Spells Do Not Mix

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(This may contain slight suggestive themes so if you're a minor you can skip it or don't read it at all. Enjoy!)


"Something happened to Monkey King and we need your help."

Macaque threw the both of them into a shadow portal without a second thought. Mk shrieked in surprise has he was thrown into a shadow portal by the shadow monkey. Soon the both of them appeared inside the noodle shop. Mk landed face first on the ground with a groan while Macaque landed on his feet, posture tense has he stared at the others with glowing purple eyes.

"Where's Wukong?" 

He demanded. His voice warped and distorted has it bounced off the walls. Everyone jumped and felt the hairs on the back of their necks stand on end at the sound of his voice. Minutes had passed and everyone kept silent until Mei, the only one brave enough, spoke and broke the tension. 

"He's in Mk's room."

He vanished through the shadows without a single word, leaving everyone perplexed and apprehensive. When Macaque arrived, he rushed towards the bedroom. He swung open the door and he saw his golden counterpart lying on the bed. He rushed to her side immediately and went to check her for any injuries, he noticed how erratic his breathing was, his heart was beating faster than normal, how she was curled up in a fetal position, shaking and clutching her abdomen and her tail curled around her thigh tightly. He turned to looked at her face but immediately froze. 

Wukong's face was twisted in pain, it was flushed a deep red has sweat ran down his face but what made him pause were the big, fat tears running down her face has whimpers, gasps and cries left the god's lips. He felt cold anger envelop him and he snarled, the whites of his eyes turned an inky black and irises a glowing purple, his ears flared out has the shadows around the room became bigger. 

He snapped back to reality when he heard a whimper coming from the bedridden king. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath trying to calm himself, when he opened his eyes the whites of his eyes returned to normal and the shadows withdrawn. He saw a towel next to the sage's face, he looked around the room and saw a small basin of water with ice on the desk near the bed, he took the towel then placed it in the basin and, after making sure the towel was cold enough, started to wipe her face and neck. 

The god flinched before letting out a sigh of relief and leaned into the cold towel, it made the demon smile. He placed the towel back in the basin has he gently move Wukong to lie down on his back and placed the towel on Wukong's forehead. He sighed and sat on the bed beside him then turned to looked at him.

The flush on her face lessen and her breathing wasn't as erratic as before but her brows were knitted together due to the pain she's expressing still, he pushed away a loose lock of hair away from her face and held his gem's cheek gently. His thumb caressed the king's soft cheek, it was warm, too warm and it caused Macaque to furrow his eyebrows in concern and worry for his gem's health. 

'What could have happened to make Wukong this ill? Is he under a spell? Is it a curse? Is it deadly? Is there a cure? Was it a demon?' His thoughts raced has he tried to find answers to his questions.

The logical side of him knew that he shouldn't be so worried. He knows his gem is a strong and resilient person and that whatever is ailing her, she will conquer it and come out on top smiling brightly. But the other side of him, the other side that is run by pure demonic instinct, the other side that already claimed the king has their chosen mate; is howling, growling and demanding him to tear apart whoever hurt their mate, hunt down that person and make them suffer before their inevitable demise and damaged them so much that they won't be able to reincarnate to the next life. 

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