Chapter - 30

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Vegas's Pov

I am not sure if I should inform mr. Kang even before I tell Pete..

Pete had a traumatic childhood , I don't want to do anything that will add up to that list.
But the fact, that bastard korn is not upto something good lefts me with no options..

" Yes?", He answered.

" Do you remember asking me for an assurance?",

" Yeah, I vividly do",..

" Well, I have an information that can probably be beneficial for you.
I know where your child is , The child that you lost even before he was born",

" What!?",

" Your former girlfriend gave birth to a boy , named Pete , 22 years ago. After his birth she discreetly left Bangkok . She went to chumpon and tried living a normal life, which unfortunately was a fail but I won't get in too much detail with that ,
Because,Right now Pete is in trouble, given he works for korn theerpanyakul",.

He was silent for few seconds.
" Vegas ,what makes you think I'll believe that?",.

" I have solid proofs that Pete is the child of the woman that you loved years ago, Miss yeng.. , and to confirm even further you can have a DNA test later, but right now I really want you to help him . My uncle korn is probably trying to do something wrong with him and am not in Thailand..",

" Even though it may sound convincing, how can you assure me that you're not faking this story just to achieve your plan. I do not believe you.
Infact I don't believe anyone.."

" Well the thing is that I don't want your deal anymore. I am taking back my business proposal.. that should be enough to establish that I don't have any selfish gains from this",

One side of my mind was still not convinced about this decision, given how much I wanted this to work out for my pa,
But nothing, I repeat nothing means more to me than Pete...

" I don't like people who don't stand on their words. Are you positive that you're withdrawing the deal you worked so hard to get?",

" Yes! I am. He is your son and he needs your help right now. He has suffered all his life, please protect him this time.",
I am not sure how my father will react to this..

He was again silent for few seconds, probably busy thinking .
Afterall it was too much for him too. He found about his son after 22 years..
I wonder if he was even aware about the fact that Pete's mother was pregnant .
" I am not completely convinced ,but even if there is 1% chance that he is my son ,then I won't let anyone hurt him,
the last and only memory of shinyeng.." he said the last sentence a bit more quietly..


Pete's Pov

" WHAT??!!", Khun korn and I reacted in almost similar way .

My head hurts because of the confusion am facing right now.
A stranger I don't even know suddenly claims to be my father ?.. like what the actual fuck??

" Pete is my son, Unfortunately, I couldn't find him sooner but from now onwards I won't let anyone hurt the heir of Kang Empire",

I was too stunned to speak. He was looking at me with loving gaze,
All of it is happening too fast. I can't get the grasp of the situation..

" It can't be true ", he said.
Usually it was hard to read khun korn's face but today the shock was quite apparent on his face..

" It is, and you dared to hurt my son?", He smirked and suddenly pointed a gun at him..

Scar behind his smile - (Vegaspete)Where stories live. Discover now