Chapter - 35

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Chay's Pov

Uh should I text him or not...
Fuck it, I am texting him and getting over it.

" Hii.. uh I just wanted to thank you for that day." I texted gathering all my courage.

" Who are you?", He replied

" Um I am chay",

" Chay who?",

I'll kick his ass..

" Porchay, macau's friend. Remember ?",

" How did you get my number ?",

" Just pulled some strings", I replied.

" You asked Tankhun , didn't you?",

" Does it matter, you jerk?", I lost my calm .

" Yes , it does. And care to explain, why are you swearing at me on text. ?"

" Well, I should be cursing at myself for texting you. ",

" Go ahead and do that. But stop texting me ."

" Asshole ,"

" yeah, that's my name. Good to know you remember. ",

" I just wanted to thank you for helping me that day. But gosh you're so mean . I regret my choices ",

" Thank you is not enough for the trouble that I had to go through, you owe me big time",...

" I don't like keeping flavours, I'll pay you back?"

" How are you planning to pay me back?",

" Uh I can treat you with coffee or meal of your choice ",

" Really? Do you think ,you can pay me back that way??"

" That's the only thing I can do, if you're up for it then let me know or else I am done thanking you ."

" You're very mean , you know that right?",

" Says the one who has been nothing but mean to me ".. I replied.

" When was I mean huh?",

" All the time,"

" Liar.. you were rude to me from the start. I'll only accept your thank you if you ask me nicely . I don't like mannerless kids",

" Firstly I am not a kid. Secondly I have never been rude. And if you want me to be nice then, fine. I'll do this only once. Mr. Kim would you like to have some coffee with me ?",

" Sorry not interested ",
This fucker!!...

" You know what go fuck yourself . I am not taking you don't deserve nice gesture ",.. I replied..

" Fine, I'll come but Don't get the wrong idea , it's not a date ",

I wonder what's wrong with his head. When I am rude he agrees instantly. Weird fella.

"I just said it's fine if you don't want to come , its not like am dying to spend time with you and I know it's not a date. Why would I ever go on a date with you", I quickly replied.
Damn this guy. Always testing my patience.
What does he thinks of himself? Who in their right mind would go on a date with him?

" Let's get over it. I'll see you tomorrow then? Text me the place and time",.


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