Meeting Eleanor

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Y/n's Pov
It's been a while since Drea's sex tape was released, almost a year maybe, and it was Monday, a new week, I then see my sister talking to someone, I walk over to them after I thanked Bruce.

"Ahhh, N/n, how you been, you queer" I heard some guy I used to date that's homophobic called after me.

But he crashed into Bruce, you gotta love Bruce.

After I told the boy I was Unlabelled he imploded, and I mean literally, he has a glass eye and it fell out his eye.

Gabbi saw me, and stopped walking, she held put her hand and I took it.
"Great to see you sis, this is Eleanor, Eleanor Y/n, my sister" Gabi introduced us.

"I know who she is, nice to meet you in person" she said, smiling. "Nice to meet you too " I say smiling.

"Y/n, give her a tour will you, I gotta go like right now for my class, so see ya later" she said, fixing her sunglasses.

"Well, let me tell you the psychotic groups in the school " I say and she nods slightly.

"Ok, so over there, we have our Instagram witches. Alegra, their leader apparently made a girl float at a sleepover playing light as a feather. Now she's queen of the zodiac thots, and she's a scorpio" I explained "Hot" she responded

"The horny theatre kids. Last year they tried to mount a mostly white production of Hamilton. Lin-Manuel Miranda sent a cease and desist" I say rolling my eyes at them.

"Um, coming up, we have our agri kids. They run the school farm led by Carissa. When her request to make Rosehill go vegan got denied, she left her DivaCup in the middle of the cafeteria in protest. It was full"
I say, looking up at her, she looked zoned out on something.

"Who are they?" Eleanor asked snapping me out of my small daze.

"Uh, Rosehill's Royal Court, the cream of the incredibly entitled crop. Be careful of them. They're all calculated as they are beautiful, and also, put one you out of line, Max, my brother, will make them ditch you in a instint" I explained.

"Oh shit. Drea Torres, their fallen queen, and my brothers ex, we are still friends, because she is a lovely person, if your nice" I explained, smiling slightly as we walk what is about to go down.

"Hey, ladies" Drea says
"I meant to text you. Obviously, the way last year ended was so... pretty sticky, you know, with Max's dad funding my dad's reelection campaign" Tara protested.

"I know, yeah"
"It's just so complicated" Tara continued
"I know yeah" Drea repeated.
"Good, I thought you were gonna put out a hit on me or something " Tara explained

"No, why would I do that?" Asked Drea
My brother walked over to them
"Hey, Max" Drea greeted my brother.

"My brother" I whisper to Eleanor and she nods.

"How was your summer?" Max asked
"Restorative" Drea responds
"I'm glad to see you. I wasn't sure you'd be back after, you know, last year " Max explained

"Oh, no, no. I'm not gonna let a silly video stand between me and Yale" Drea says.
"I just wanna say I hope we move on and be civil this year" Max pleas.

"Especially now that Tara and I are dating " he explained,  my jaw dropped, I was nit expecting that.

"Oh~. You didn't know?" Tara asked
"No. No, I knew. Yeah " Drea says, fixing her small purse bag, more on her shoulder.

"Good. Yeah, our families simmered together in Capri" Tara explained
"That's great. I mean, what a couple, right? Your fathers must be elated" Drea said, I could tell she was mad.

"Oh. Stop, you two. Seriously, stop. Alright guys, so fun catching up. Um... Nice to see you ladies. Montana, you have grapes in your teeth, babe. Alright. Enjoy senior year!" Drea says walking off mad

Oh god, that was a lot

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