03. Chapter One

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'Your life is yours and yours alone. Rise up and live it.' -Terry Goodkind

"Jump! Jump! Jump!" Dozens of voices chanted from below me, fists pumping and bodies jumping up and down to the loud beat of electronic music. I took a deep breath, feeling the cold night air on my bare chest and arms. I glanced down at the pool below, breathing in again. Then, I stepped back and began to run across the roof, pouncing off the edge and plunging downwards. My body collided with water in seconds and I sunk straight to the bottom, bubbles surrounding me as I opened my eyes.
Quickly, I pushed up off the ground and took in a breath of fresh air, as the excited screams tuned in. I turned, pushing my mop of black hair out of my eyes and swimming to the edge. My best mate, Kyle, was first to run to me and put his beer in his non-dominant hand, extending the other to me. I smiled up at him and took it reluctantly, crawling up the pool walls as he lifted me out to the ground.
"You're crazy!" He shouted over the music, the slightest hint of humour in his voice. I grinned, nodding my head slightly.
"Live on the wild side, Ky!" I replied, taking the beer from his hands and taking a swig of it. He rolled his green eyes and tugged it back,
"You're drunk, Dyl. Maybe you should go home." I laughed sarcastically, glancing at the girls behind him, wearing short cocktail dresses. I raised my eyebrows and smirked, just as one of the girls caught my eye.
"I'll be back." I told Kyle, pushing past him and walking to the girl. Her hair was jet black and obviously straightened, reaching mid-way her back. Her skin was Sunkist-tanned and she was tall and slim, eyes sky blue, but slightly darkened by eyeliner and mascara. I grinned,
"Name's Dylan." I told her, putting out my still wet hand. She smiled, turning away from her friends and taking my hand, shaking gently.
"Lily." She replied. I looked her up and down, admiring her long legs for a second, before meeting her eyes again.
"Want to come find a towel with me?" She nodded and I intertwined my fingers with hers, allowing her to wave bye to her friend with her other hand.
I dragged her through the crowds of sweating, highly-intoxicated teenagers, towards the stairway that was still full of kids. I shoved through that too, not apologising for pushing anybody. Why should I? They were the ones in the path.
I finally got Lily inside whoever's house I was actually at, looking around.
"Bathroom?" She said innocently, smiling. I nodded and returned the grin,
"Smart thinking." She chuckled lightly as I once again dragged her down the hallway. If I was actually being honest - I had no bloody idea where I was going.
"So, do you know whose party this is?" I asked her as we kept walking. She laughed,
"It's mine." My eyes widened slightly and I looked back at her, smiling more than awkwardly.
"Oh," I said. "Uh- Right. Where the bloody hell is your bathroom?" She took the lead, continuing to walk down the hall, until stopping and turning to a closed door. I released her hand, stepping forward and turning the door knob, pushing it open.
"Ladies first." I said, not bothering to even look in first. I did, obviously, after Lily began to giggle, covering her mouth and looking away. I raised an eyebrow, peering in to a couple - probably both juniors, making out on the sink. I scrunched up my nose,
"Yo!" I yelled, capturing their attention.
The boy jumped, letting go of the girl way too quickly, to the point where she slipped, falling awkwardly on her feet.
I smirked, pulling Lily out of the way so the two could quickly run out. I ushered her forward, swaying my arm. She smirked and waddled inside, taking a towel off the rack in the process and chucking it at me, leaning her back against the wall. I caught it in my chest, closing the door behind me with my foot. I started drying my hair first, trying to ignore her strong gaze on my chest.
"So, what are you throwing the party for? Fun, or is there a special event?"
"It's my seventeenth birthday," She replied slowly, taking a step forward and placing her warm hands on my arms.
"You haven't even said a happy birthday." My mouth gaped as she slowly took the towel from my grip, dropping it to the floor and running her fingers across my stomach.
"Happy birthday!" I said, grinning like a complete idiot.
It took only seconds for her lips to be against mine and me to be pressing her against a wall. I was pleasantly surprised that she didn't care that I actually had no idea who she was - but I suppose she knew who I was. Well - I assumed.
I'd only come to this party because Kyle was invited.
I guess I was having more fun than him.
I got to trying to take off her dress when a loud bang from outside alarmed us. Her teeth sunk into my lip and I tugged back, groaning and put my fingers on my bottom lip.
"You bit me!" I moaned, licking away the oncoming blood. She shook her head and ran for the door, tugging it back and sprinting out. I sighed and jogged after her, practically dragging my feet along the marbled floor. She was a lot more alarmed then I was - probably because it was her house.
My eyes fell upon the police officers marching towards the outside door, and I slid across the ground, coming to a stop. My shoes were saturated, which made it so much worse, so I glided across the floor for a good five seconds.
"Shit." I mumbled under my breath, taking a turn for the front door, where a lot of kids were heading. I sprinted towards it, shoving people out of my way and running towards the railing, throwing myself over it and pulling a very smooth commando roll across the ground. I still had no clue what the bang was, but I couldn't care less. I just kept running, hoping Kyle would show up sooner or later, and just as the thought hit me, somebody grabbed my shoulder.
"Dude!" Kyle called out, shoving me to the right to run down the road.
"Go!" He screamed again. I nodded and we ran alongside each other, both our footing a little odd from being intoxicated.
My head hadn't quite started spinning yet - which was good - I didn't want to be running with a headache and blurred vision.
Kyle pushed me down another road, towards the only servo in this part of town. We slowed to a walk, just as Kyle through a shirt at me.
"Make yourself decent." He murmured.
"Where the hell did you get this?" I asked.
"It's actually yours, dipshit." He replied sarcastically, anger raiding his voice. I glanced at him, cocking my brows.
"Ya' know... I nearly got some before those fucking cops showed up."
"Great." He muttered, running a hand through his shaggy blonde hair. I sighed, rolling my eyes.
"What the hell is wrong with you? You're all uptight and 'I want to fucking kill you'-like. 'Sup?" I asked, concerned. He glared at me, but I looked away before we could make eye contact, slipping my arms through the sleeves of my shirt and pulling it over me.
"I've had a crush on Lily since like- the seventh grade. So yes, I want to 'fucking kill you'. And not to mention the fact you jumped off a roof when you were drunk. You're stupid, you know that?" I frowned, throwing an arm around him and sloppily walking,
"First of all, I had no idea you had a crush on her. Second of all, I did not fuck her, and third of all, I didn't die. It's kind of a win-win for the two of us, right?"
I admit, I'm not exactly a good friend. Kyle was like my brother- he'd been there for me through everything, and I have been there for him too, but when it comes to showing that I do care about him, I suck at it. I always manage to say something wrong and it screws me over.
"You were going to." He muttered in reply. I groaned, using my spare hand to wipe at my brows.
"Look, I'm sorry. I had no idea. And I know I shouldn't have jumped off the roof, but we both know I'm a fucking idiot."
"And an attention whore." I laughed half-heartedly,
"I sure am." I managed to get a laugh out of him and I pulled my arm back, grinning to myself. I ruffed up his blonde hair just a little bit, shaking my head.
"So, do you still have that vodka in your jacket pocket?" I asked. His head snapped towards me and he sighed, reaching in and pulling out a wooden flask, slamming it into my chest. I smiled, taking it from his grasp and undoing the cap, taking a swig.
We stopped by the service station and both grabbed slushies, but as soon as we got out, Kyle's mother rocked up. She was beyond pissed, because of course she knew about the party, and of course, she was a police officer, and took Kyle. She offered me a lift, but I turned her down because,
1. I was drunk out of my mind.
2. I only lived a few blocks down.
3. She was a cop.
So, on my staggering feet and light-head, I began to walk. I found myself minutes later on the wrong street, walking aimlessly. All the lights in the houses were off - probably because it was like 2am, and I was bloody freezing. My jeans were still wet, so were my socks and shoes, and my hair was pretty damp. My body must have been feeling 10x colder than usual because of the amount of alcohol in my system, and it sucked. I continued to walk, practically blacked out the entire time. The only time I really woke, was when I was laying myself down on somebodies lawn, falling to my back, with slushie all over me, allowing my eyes to cave into darkness - and then, I was out.

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