14. Chapter Twelve

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'Don't worry, just breathe. If it's meant to be, it will find a way.'

The next day at school, I kept my head down in classes to hide my tired, blood shot eyes. My head was pounding and I felt like I was dying. What was this that I was feeling? I felt so sick. Why? 

I ran my hands through my messy hair, letting out a yawn just as a hand touched my shoulder. I jumped, looking up to my teacher, who was looking at me sympathetically.

"Sophia-Grace, are you alright? You look horrible." She said, sitting down beside me. 

"I feel horrible." I murmured. 

"Maybe you should go to the Nurse. Pack up your stuff and I'll write you out a hall pass." 

I didn't reply, I just nodded my head and leaned up, closing my book and pushing everything into a pile. I then lifted up my bag and set it on my lap, shoving in all my books before standing up and putting on my bag. I headed up towards the front of the room where my teacher smiled at me and handed me the note, and I just walked out the room. 

I began my journey down the hallway, struggling to stay awake. My eyes were gazing around everywhere and I was staggering all over the place. I felt as if the whole world was spinning a million miles an hour.

I was so zoned out that I hadn't even noticed the door to the library had opened, and I  collided face-first into the door. I stumbled back, losing my footing and landing straight on my backside with a thud, letting out a groan. Whoever was behind the door quickly closed it, looking down at me. I looked up,

"Ah-" I paused, "Dylan..."

"Hey," He said, furrowing his eyebrows. "You look... Brilliant." I sighed, rubbing at my forehead.

"I seriously don't feel like it." 

"Hangover?" He asked with a slight chuckle, taking my hands and pulling me up to my feet, fixing up my shirt after.

"That's what you call it? Well, yeah. I'm really hungover. I feel like I'm going to puke." 

"Why'd you come to school if you feel sick?" He asked, putting his hands in his jeans pockets.

"My mother thinks that if I miss one day, I miss a whole lifetime of education apparently. I sort of got tugged out of bed. So, I don't know what I'm going to say when I get to the nurse." 

"You could stay at mine," He suddenly said, making me jolt for some reason. He noticed my resistance and awkwardly laughed, 

"I have two free periods, and I'm going home right now so I'm cool to bring you with me. You can just sleep at mine. Nobody else is home." I looked down,


"Cool. It's not like we're complete strangers anyway." He grinned and began to walk, and I quickly followed after. We both signed out at the office and walked out of the school, side by side.

"I'm sorry about what I said last night...by the way." He said quietly. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking up at him.



"What are you talking about?"

"Oh- nothing." I looked at him weirdly, before shrugging it off, rubbing my forehead. I could barely even remember anything from last night, apart from being with Dylan and having a few drinks. I also remembered that it wasn't Dylan who had taken me home - it was Kyle.

"I don't think I like hangovers," I mumbled. "I feel like being sick. Like, if I throw up in your car, I'm so sorry." I explained. He laughed,

"I'll never forgive you if you puke in my car." He said sternly, before hitting my hand very gently, "No, it's okay. I get it. But I'm not encouraging you to throw up." I just nodded as we reached his car and he unlocked it, pulling open the door for me. I smiled at him and climbed in, letting him shut the door.

Most of the car ride to his house, we were both pretty quiet, considering the first thing I did was lean my head against the window and close my eyes - but I was awake. He would occasionally bring up a conversation topic that ended quickly, which was my fault. I wasn't in a very talkative mood anyway. When we got back to his place, we got out of the car and walked inside. He got me a glass of water and gave me advil, then we went up to his bedroom.

I really quickly kicked off my shoes so I was just wearing socks and leaped onto his bed, wiggling under the covers. He laughed half-heartedly, sitting down on his bed, untying his shoes, unlike me, who just pulled them off. I buried the side of my face into his pillow, letting out a sigh. I felt him lie down beside me, pulling himself under the covers. I decided to turn to him, looking at him for a few seconds, before moving closer and putting my arm over his stomach, resting my head on his chest. He stayed still for a few moments, like he had no idea what to do, before he slowly put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me a little closer.

We laid there in silence for a good five minutes, before he murmured,

"What happened with you and Kyle last night?"

"I don't really remember," I breathed out. "I remember nothing, actually."

"You don't remember that you kissed him?" I opened my eyes, furrowing my brows.

"I did what?"

"You guys kissed...How don't you remember that?"

"I don't know."

"Well, you guys did and I want to know what happened after that. You guys don't seem to be dating, because if you were, he'd be non-stop talking about it. I was just really curious. At least try to remember, okay?" I nodded.

The truth was that I did remember parts of last night. I didn't remember the kiss, but I did remember parts of being in the car with him. I remembered that he touched my thighs, and that I told him to get off of me. I remembered him grabbing my wrists and squeezing so hard they turned red, and I remembered that I climbed out of the car and ran two blocks to get back home. But he was drunk. He had no idea what he was doing - which got me questioning why the bloody hell he was driving. We could have gotten seriously hurt.

I closed my eyes, balling my fist around Dylan's t-shirt. I could hear his heart beat, and I could feel his chest going up and down with each breath he took. He was pretty calm from what I could tell. 

I frowned.

I remembered one more thing.

One tiny, tiny detail.

After I rejected Kyle, and he grabbed my wrists, I shook him off. He got angry, and the last thing I could remember was that he pushed my head into the window, and told me to get out.


Woah! I updated!

Yeah, sorry it has been a really long time and this is a pathetic update, but I've been having trouble at school and sort of gave up writing temporarily, but yeah.

This was somewhat interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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