11. Chapter Nine

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'Sometimes you just need someone to tell you that you're not as terrible as you think you are.'

Every day after school and during breaks (until Wednesday), Sophia had helped me study for the chemistry exam, and I was totally confident with the exam. I actually understood most of it, too.
Lily had been non-stop texting me since Monday night, and I'd replied only three times. I had to tell her I was busy studying, which, I was, but she didn't believe me and thought, 'I was cheating on her,' and that I was just being 'typical me,' and it ended in me literally apologising to her. It was so screwed up.
I was just praying she wouldn't be at the party tonight.
I finished tying my shoes up, looking up to my reflection and scrunching my nose. My black hair was as messy as usual and I wore typical black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt, with a red and black flannel over top.
Sophia had said she'd meet me outside of school, considering she'd had to stay there for some kind of...study group? I didn't know what she'd said.
Carly broke me from thought as she jumped on my lap, making me jolt, but I laughed it off.
"Where are you going, Dyl?" She asked me happily. I put an arm behind her back to keep her up, looking down at her and smiling.
"I have to go pick up Sophia." I replied.
"Is she that pretty one with the really nice smile? The Christian girl?"
"Sure is. You like her, right?"
"Mhm. She was lovely." I laughed half-heartedly.
"Lovely? Okay. I get that."
"Do you think she's pretty?" She asked, looking me dead in the eyes, like if I said the wrong answer, she'd backhand me.
"Of course I do."
"Good. I think you two are cute together." I furrowed my brows, cocking my head to the side.
"She isn't my girlfriend, Carly." I said, awkwardly laughing.
"You say that now. But soon..." She said it rather creepily, before hopping off my lap and darting out of my bedroom, leaving me very confused.

I pulled up out front of school, gripping the wheel tight and pressing my forehead against it, groaning as my phone non-stopped buzzed in my pocket. Lily just wouldn't fuck off. I think she was drunk. Last time I checked, I had a text that was all just gibberish. I jolted as somebody knocked on the passenger's side window, scaring the absolute fuck out of me. I leaned back, sighing in relief as Sophia's face came into view. She was laughing at me. She then pulled back the door and climbed in, pushing her hair back.
"Rough day, huh?" She asked, shutting the door and smiling at me.
"The psychopath is spamming me." I mumbled. She put out her hand,
"I wanna see." I rolled my eyes and pulled my phone out of my pocket, handing it to her. She was still in a hoodie and blue jeans, and I assumed that was what she was wearing. I didn't mind. She still looked really nice - and it was a pretty good difference to every other girl going. She was on my home screen, scrolling down.
"Is this English? It looks like Morse code....Is she bilingual? I think this one says...oh! I'm not reading that. Ew." She handed me back my phone, cringing, before slipping her arms out of her sleeves and pulling off her jacket. I watched as she did so, which was probably super weird, but it's not like she was looking. Because she was lifting up her jacket, a bit of her stomach was being exposed. I wasn't really surprised at how pale she was, I was more surprised at the sight of a huge, thick scar going horizontally from above her hip. It looked like a 5cm scar. My eyebrows cocked and I continued to look as she removed her jacket, revealing a cute, whiteish top.
"Wow, your shoulders. I feel so aroused right now." I joked. She looked at me and rolled her eyes,
"You're so funny. I've never worn something with my shoulders exposed. I found it in the back of my closet..."
The top had little sad excuses for sleeves and sat just above her jeans, so the tiniest bit of her stomach was seen, but barely any of it. There were viney sort of patterns across the top, that were a reddish brown. I couldn't explain the shirt, it was just cute.
She pulled down the mirror and pushed all her hair to the side, taking something out of her pocket and placing it between her teeth. I decided to break my focus from her and started the car again, beginning to drive. She was plaiting her hair to the side - and boy, did she look nice like that.
"So, uh, how'd you convince your mum to let you come out?" I asked. She took whatever it was out of her mouth and put it in the back of her hair, shrugging.
"I told her what I have been recently. I'm helping someone study."
"So...you lied?"
"Sure did." I laughed at her,
"Who are you and what have you done with Sophia-Grace?" I asked. She laughed, shaking her head and pushing the mirror back up, turning to sort of face me.
"So, did you look at that text I was talking about?" She asked, clearly curious. I shook my head, pursing my lips and glancing at her for a second.
"Nope. Why? What'd it say?"
"This is going to sound really disgusting - and I'm going to be scarred for life for repeating this, but..." She wiggled forward, gripping my arm gently and dramatically saying,
"Oh, Dylan, I love you so much. So damn much. I want you to be insid-" She stopped talking, moving away and cringing.
"I'm so done. That's so gross. I'm sorry, I can't." I laughed, looking at her and raising an eyebrow.
"No, you're good. But I still think those shoulders of yours are still arousing as all hell. Such a distraction." I joked.
"You're so weird. Leave my poor shoulders alone."

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