08. Chapter Six

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'Mornings would be better if I woke up next to you.'

After the drive, Dylan decided to invite me into his house, considering I'd never seen his home but he'd seen mine.
He held the door open for me and I grinned, scooting past and looking up and down the place, admiring the framed photos of his family.
"Is that Carly?" I asked as he shut the door, pointing to the little girl next to him in one of the pictures, her arms around his neck.
He had the biggest smile on his face, his eyes closed.
The girl also had a wide grin, her two front teeth missing and squinted eyes.
The background was a blue sky and hills of greenery, including grass and trees. It was beautiful.
"Yeah." He replied, smiling up at the photo and standing next to me. I pointed to another photo,
"Is that your mother?"
His mother had dark brown hair and light brown eyes - she looked so much like Dylan it was surprising.
"Sure is. Pretty, huh?" He grinned. I smiled and nodded,
"Yeah, she is." Just as I said that, somebody appeared from behind the corner, making myself and Dylan jump and clutch onto each other immediately.
"There you are!" A tired, weak voice murmured. It was his mother.
"Fuck me!" Dylan cried out, letting go of me and resting a hand upon his heart.
"You scared the hell out of me, mum!"
"You scared me when I woke up, went to your bedroom and you weren't there!" She yelled. Then, her eyes fell upon me and her mouth gaped, staring at me for a second.
"Uh-Dylan...who is this?" She stuttered. I spoke up before Dylan could even get a word in,
"I'm Sophia. Hi!" I stepped forward, putting out my hand with a polite smile on my face. Her lips formed into a small 'o' and she reached over, shaking my hand.
"Lisa." Her words seemed to drag on, as if she was trying to figure out something. She pulled her arm back and walked to Dylan, whispering a few things. The only thing I heard was,
"She looks so innocent. Don't ruin that." I looked down, scrunching up my nose in mere disgust at the thought of that. Dylan awkwardly laughed, nodding and hurrying to me, latching his hand through mine and tugging me down the hallway.
On the door at the end of the corridor were glittery pink letters reading CARLY.
Dylan's room was next to hers and he practically threw me in, making me stumble.
His room was painted red, with framed photos of what I assumed to be movies and bands hanging off the walls. He had a drum kit and a guitar, a wide screened TV on top of a drawer against the wall, across from his bed.
I smiled, turning around in circles before sitting down on his bed, pulling my legs up to cross them. He shut the door gently, turning to face me.
"I like your room," I told him.
"I don't understand most of it, but it's cool." He grinned, walking to his closet and pulling it open, revealing lines of clothing. He took out a navy blue shirt, throwing it on his drum kit, taking off his original shirt. I looked away, crawling farther up the bed and lying down, snuggling into the pillow. I felt the weight on the bed go down as Dylan laid down, close to me.
"Comfortable?" He whispered. I nodded, mumbling something that not even I could decipher, burying my face further into his pillow. I sighed,
"I think I could stay like this forever." I whispered.
"Because you don't like being at home?" He replied quietly. I shook my head,
"No. Because I like the thought," I breathed out, taking multiple pauses.
"Of falling asleep next to somebody." He didn't say anything after that, and I was too tired to care. He shuffled closer until his chest was against my back, so I rolled over to face him, snuggling my face into his chest. His arm slipped under my leg and if I was more awake, I would have flipped out, but all he did was pull my leg in between his and put his hand on the very bottom of my back, underneath my sweater so he could run his fingers across my skin. It felt great. I balled his shirt in my fist, pressing my entire body to his.
I liked how it felt. Knowing he was right there, his skin against mine. I could feel his heart beat, and hear it too. His breathing was steady. He was completely calm and collected.
I'd never cuddled someone I wasn't related to.
Claire, whenever she had a nightmare or couldn't sleep, would always climb into my bed and I'd have to hold her in my arms and let her fall asleep there.
It was nice being in somebody else's arms for once.
I felt so relaxed.
I had no intentions of falling asleep there. I knew I had to get home - so I wouldn't get in trouble - but I was just too calm to move.
And so, I allowed my body to slip far, far, far away from consciousness.

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