13. Chapter Eleven

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'My best memories are the ones we make together.'

I sat to the side on a camping chair, drink in hand as I watched Sophia dance with Kyle. She was getting pretty good. Brodie approached me, sitting down in the seat beside me and grinning,
"Why aren't you dancing with your girl?" He asked. I looked to him,
"She's not my 'girl', and Kyle wanted to dance with her. I think she's tipsy."
"How many drinks has she had?"
"I lost count." He laughed, shaking his head.
"You should probably be the one with her, considering you did bring her and you're probably a lot more careful then Kyle... especially drunk."
"I'm watching her, that's good enough." There was a long silence,
"Jarryd was talking shit about you again."
"I don't really give a shit, to be honest." I murmured, fiddling with my drink. Brodie sighed,
"Seriously, go dance with her."
"I can't."
"Why!?" He said loudly, throwing his arms up. I furrowed my brows, sinking in the seat and turning my head to look at him.
"I kissed her." I said honestly.
"Well- that's great! Isn't that a good thing?"
"I don't even like her that way. So, no. It's not." He looked at weirdly,
"Then why did you kiss her?" He asked, clearly confused. I shrugged.
Why did I kiss her?
I didn't exactly have a reason - I just did it.
"I don't know. She was just... Right there. We had a really deep conversation, and we looked at each other... And I couldn't look away."
"She is pretty."
"She is. And thats the problem. I'm what her family calls an 'Outsider'. It means someone who has no religion. They're not supposed to be friends with people like me."
"But she is."
I turned away, looking to Sophia who was still dancing. I ran my finger across my bottom lip, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I think thats the problem," I began. "She's friends with me."
"Dylan, I'm convinced you're the best thing thats ever happened to her. I've known her for a while, and shes only ever had one friend. I never saw her smile until she met you. Don't just... Think you're doing something wrong, because you aren't. You're not ruining Sophia-Grace's life - you're helping her live, and I think that means a lot. You should too." He said. I smiled at him, resting my fist on my cheek to hold my head up.
"I guess." I mumbled.
"Thank you, Brodie. You're a good friend, Brodie." He said, waving his arms around. I laughed,
"Thank you, Brodie."
"You're welcome, Dylan."
"You're such a fucking dork." I mumbled under my breath, looking down to my lap, shaking my head and laughing.
"You've been friends with me since pre-k, Dylan! You should know that by now."
"I've been friends with Kyle since before I could walk, and I didn't realise he was into Lily until like... A week ago. I never realise who he likes until after he's over them."
"He was into Lily?"
"Exactly." I smiled, looking back over to Sophia. She was talking to Kyle, and after that, he helped her over to myself and Brodie. Sophia tumbled into my lap, making me groan.
"You had to land there? Didn't you?" I said through clenched teeth, wincing. She giggled,
"Sorry!" She said, way too loudly.
"How drunk is she?" Brodie asked, looking up at Kyle.
"Hella!" Kyle replied, amused.
I wrapped my arms around Sophia's tiny waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.
"It's not exactly good if she's piss drunk." Brodie muttered.
Sophia was wiggling around, probably trying to dance but I was restraining her, which was probably what I wanted to do. I didn't want her to get lost or run off somewhere - especially into the water. That wouldn't end well.
"Free me!" Sophia squealed, putting her arms out. I rolled my eyes, letting her go and sitting back, frowning. She leapt off, stumbling into Kyle's arms.
I frowned even more, if that was even possible.
"Take care of her." I said to Kyle. He grinned and nodded, taking Sophia's hand and pulling her back into the crowd. I growled under my breath, huffing and sinking into the seat.
"I heard that." Brodie said.
"I'm so pissed off and I don't know why." I replied, balling my fists.
"Are you jealous?"
"Maybe. But I don't know why I would be."
"You like her. Not like a crush, but you like her as a person. It's okay to get jealous about people hanging out with a close friend, it totally happens to me whenever you're with Kyle." He joked, nudging me. I laughed, looking at him.
Brodie had always been a really good friend.
He was one of my best friends, but I never saw him much out of school. He lived a while away from me, so we never really got the chance to catch up. There were times when we were kids however. We always went the extra mile for one another's birthdays.
I'd never fought with him too.
I had with Kyle, and thats probably what made us so close. We'd argue and then it'd be all okay in minutes,
But not fighting was what made me so close to Brodie.
We always agreed with one another, and if we just happened to disagree, we'd keep our mouths shut so we didn't offend one another. We were practically brothers.
I liked my friendship with him. I'd never been closer to anybody that wasn't Kyle or my own family.
I wouldn't say I was extremely close to Sophia.
Sometimes I fucking hate her.
Even if we make up for whatever the hell we fight about, I go home and just get so angry. What she says can be so rude, but what I say is really rude too.
The next morning I'm usually okay, and I'm actually excited to see her.
It's complicated and weird.
"Dylan?" Brodie said. "Yo, dude. Wake up." He clicked his fingers in front of my face, making me jump and whip my head to the side.
"Wha-?" I said quietly. He laughed,
"I said I'm going to grab a drink. Want me to get you something?"
"Oh. Yeah, um- I'll just have whatever you're having." I murmured.
"I'm being a basic bitch and getting a beer. Cool?"
"Yeah. Sweet." He smiled and nodded, getting up and wandering off. I sighed, turning back to face where Sophia and Kyle were, and immediately, I wished I hadn't.
A frown crossed my face and my fists clenched at the sight of his lips against hers.
I growled.
Was this him getting back at me for Lily!?
God, I might kill him.
He so did that on purpose.
"If that makes you mad, looking at where his hands are will make you furious." Brodie said, sitting down. I turned my head to him, furrowing my brows as he handed me a bottle of beer. I took it off him, looking back over.
One of Kyle's hands were on Sophia's neck, the other on her bum.
"Yeah, you're right," I said. "That makes me furious." I stood up, storming off.
Brodie jumped up, chasing after me and putting his hand on my shoulder,
"Hey, wait up. I didn't mean to make you angry."
"You didn't, Kyle did." I said, continuing to walk.
"I know you're upset, but it doesn't change the fact you have to protect Sophia. You said you wanted to watch her, and you're walking away? Come on, dude." I stared at him blankly for a few moments, before drooping my shoulders and sighing.
"Fine." I murmured. He smiled, patting my arm before wandering back to the seats. I followed after him until we reached the seats, where I toppled down into mine.
They weren't kissing anymore - thank God.
I was still beyond angry, however, to the extent when Sophia and Kyle came over to us, I lost my shit.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" I screamed, standing up and grabbing Kyle by the collar of his shirt. I dropped the beer in the process.
"You don't even know Sophia! Don't fucking kiss her! All you're doing is trying to get back at me!"
"For what!?"
"For Lily!" I yelled in his face.
"I didn't even realise you liked Sophia! Get the fuck off of me, you psycho!" He shouted, shoving me off. I stumbled into Sophia, who grabbed my arm.
"Whats wrong?" She asked innocently, trying not to sound drunk out of her mind.
"You're just a fucking slut too. Don't fucking touch me." I snapped, pushing her hand off of me and storming off, heading up to the car.
"Dylan!" Brodie yelled from afar.
"Dylan, don't be stupid! Come back!" Kyle shouted.
I ignored them. I kept walking furiously, thankful neither of them chased me.

"Whats wrong, Dylan?" My mother asked, pausing the movie and turning to me in concern. I looked to her, forcing a smile.
"Nothing, mum. I'm okay."
"No, don't give me that. Not only were you home way too early, but you've been quiet this whole time. I can practically smell the anger and stress. Whats up, kiddo?" I looked away, furrowing my eyebrows.
"I called Sophia-Grace a slut today." I whispered. A little gasp came from the floor,
"Whaaaat?" Carly said.
"Why'd you do that, Dyl?" Mum asked.
"I saw her kissing Kyle... I don't know. It just infuriated me, y'know?"
"So you do like her!?" Carly squealed, jumping up. I looked to her and shrugged,
"I think I might."

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