Chapter Four-Day 5

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Kakashi's P.o.v.

Two days have passed since my breakdown within regards to Naruto's proposal the reason behind It was ever since ive been home i never dared to go outside because when i was assisted home the first time after being told nothing could be done about my eyes i felt helpless and being escorted like that made me feel worse than before and on top of things the stares i could feel them even though my vision was gone the stares never really left having trained for so long you can feel eyes when they are on you and ill tell you its not the best feeling in the world its quite the opposite and thus began my reclusion from society's eyes and I lived in wallow and self pity until a certain blond made me feel happier than ive been in a great while but im not ready not yet getting up from my bed I sighed trying to get dressed before I left my room not really knowing where naruto was I called out

"Naruto? You around? " the reply I got was a crash and some clutters before a door opened and then some panting was heard "Hey kakashi! Your sure up early!" 'He's hiding something definitely for one its not morning my internal clock is still on point and its the middle of the night so either he hasn't slept or something' "naruto what are you doing?" I didn't get a quick reply " not doing nothing really"

'what a liar a bad one but still a liar' "naruto what have you been doing you sound like your out of breath" this is what being blind sucked about I csnt read people anymore my skills have literally clunked to a all time low its pitiful naruto took a moment before responding "" 'Liar...and wait in my house!! The nerve. ..well this Is technically his house to now but still!' Being me I wanted to make him regret the lie so now it was time for some interrogation "oh really with who?"

He took another minute before replying "Kiba thats who" well i didn't expect that and for it to be a guy as well who knew...not that I mind I prefer men myself...however why does this bother me even if it is s lie "quit joking around naruto what are you really doing?" He sighed in obvious defeat "well come here and ill tell you" he grabbed my hand and began leading me through the door... 'his hand..its so an endless ray of sunshine shining upon me..' "I kinda expanded your house again and made a training ground"

"You really need to stop making my house bigger tsunade is going to through a bitch fit" even though I said that I squeezed his hand and smiled through my mask "thank you naruto I appreciate this" and with that I started taking a look around dragging a naruto with me still clinging onto his hand he was starting to become my light after all... 'well it had to be him didn't it... poor kid I hope he wont reject me if I ever muster my courage to confess' but for now ill enjoy this moment and keep holding onto my little ssunshine before he disappears like everyone else...because now im convinced...I like him

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