chapter five-Day Six

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Naruto's P.o.v

Kakashi liked my surprise after all exploring with his hands and walking around with me moving ahead slightly to move stuff i realized he really never let go of my hand and it made me happy to think that I was someone he could lean on but yet I was also dissapointed in a way It started after the mentioning of sharing a room kakashi in a way influenced my thinking or rather he started it and it led me to the conclusion that well.. I liked him.. now the thing was how to make him like me back or finding out if he even did like me at all..

I know next to nothing about him which made me think why do I even like him...but my feelings go deeper back to when I was younger and things were simpler and as the years progressed its become deeper so deep that I guess I never really noticed however his accident affected me greatly it still does.. I don't even want him to know how much it hurt when I heard he had lost his eyes... it made me desperate to help him heal I wanted kakashi back but I wouldn't know what it'd be like to lose your vision I pretty much couldn't imagine what it'd feel like to see nothing but black.. kakashi let go of my hand amd started to wander off I let him be because he'd be ok however I still wanted to pout because he let go of my hand now...what can I do for kakashi now that ive built this room well I know what I wanted to do I wanted to help him become fit again and it seemed this was the most logical way of doing it

A thud resonated though the room and I looked to see kakashi punching a doll that he must've found while exploring on his own it made me smile before I actually began to think 'maybe this was a bad idea..I want him to become a ninja again to start training and improve but there was things that would be impossible his sharingan was gone which means his chidori..kamui.. shit maybe this was wrong'

I looked at him again and spoke "kakashi.." he cut me off "naruto im speechless I think I needed this not so much to attempt being a ninja again but more so for my body and health besides with the way you cook i'd gain too much weight" I didn't say anything else..

He then began making his way to the living room "but its late naruto you havent slept or bathed you stink take a bath" I blushed...before a realization hit me he hasnt taken a bath or shower in six days! that actual dirtbag! "OI Kakashi! You haven't either!" He stopped moving and mulled before replying "hm I suppose your right but ill need help getting in not to mention getting out I upgraded my bath to make it be able to take larger baths and relax after missions but I wasn't able to use it once! so if anything come join me so you can make sure I don't trip over nothing bad and fatally die" I actually paused and re-ran what he said to me he wants me to take a bath with him? I cant do that! Yet what he says has some truth "Ok I will but after dinner is eaten alright? Your appetite is slowly comming back so I want to keep it on this schedule he nodded and left while I stayed on the floor and hit a dummy sending it across the floor "shit...what do I do..."

A/N: Look at all those views! ._. My lords thank you for even taking the time of day to read this also I apologize for the shortness of it however we get the bath scene next chapter! Look forwards to it hopefully it'll be nice anyways if you are enjoying the story so far leave a comment or a vote! Again thank you for reading~


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