Chapter seven- Day Seven~Morning

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Naruto's p.o.v (A/n at the end please read)

Waking up the next morning, I sighed thinking about the things we spoke about last night, after that bath I helped him out and we got dressed, and I sat him down and I sat across from him and we spoke our feelings like civil adults..he began telling me about how difficult it was for him to actually cope with no longer seeing but he still wanted to be a ninja so he asked me something I'd never thought he'd ask he wanted help training again and that he'd work to over come this handicap, I smiled just thinking about his determination however he won't have that handicap for long before he knows it he'll have a piece of me he will cherish forever just like our budding romance which I hope we can work out his confusion and my own confusion as well made this very difficult to even form we moved on to that subject late at night but we'd agreed to try being a couple and we would begin to know each other on a deeper level we know some things here and there but our deep likes and deep dislikes were pretty much shrouded and we just decided let this run its course but not by lust or want but by feelings of heart "yeah...feeling of the heart...after all I'd get tired of seeing nothing but black after a while myself " launching myself out of bed I ran into the shower and quickly finished my business in there changing into some training clothes I entered the dojo and began warming up waiting for him to enter as part of our newly found agreement and relationship the training we would do would help improve not just his eyesight but his abilities in general if what I have planned works out he'll be able to see in no time he was powerful before he lost his eyesight but now without it I'll make him more than 100x stronger than before I could have him possibly be equal to my power...however my thinking times over as the door opens and I'm greeted by my now new and first ever boyfriend with his colorless eyes showing off as he was focusing very hard to extend his senses and avoid colliding into things "welcome to hell kakashi I hope your ready to be shaped"

A/n: okay First off I'M REALLY SORRY I truly am life's been on my ass like no tomorrow and now that high schools over it seems like time is moving quicker than ever but never the less I am moving forwards and my works are coming with me I'll soon have a set schedule for this story but anyways thanks for those who have been patient and waited for so long I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support and I hope you continue to enjoy this work

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