Training Begins/ surprise surprise

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Kakashi's P.O.V

"Again!" I repeated it without hesitation and rushed forwards only to get knocked down again and I sighed getting up, I was getting better at it I just needed to sense harder "one more time!" I ran forwards launching a fist forwards even though my entire world was nothing I'd rebuild it to make it so I could be on the field again I want to be stronger come on...body work! I punched something and my eyes widened as i saw a white light flash for a brief moment was that his chakra...? Slowing down I started thinking only to get wacked and sent down again onto the mat before groaning and hearing naruto chuckle.

What was the light I couldn't see so the only thing that made sense was Chakra right? But why is naruto's such a bright white....or was it yellow..? I'm not sure all I know is I maybe found something I can use to my advantage I stood up again clenching my fists as I panted I was tired not moving my body in a while did that to you I suppose however I'm not out of my woods yet I need to keep moving forwards or else all my effort all of naruto's efforts will be put to waste;

~I saw the flashing light again and realised naruto Was channeling Chakra through his body on purpose something most shinobi did when exposed to a fight however my lack of eyesight has increased my sensory skills it seems I chuckled and rushed forwards though naruto looked like the smoke of his usual shadow clones it was getting easier to tell where he was at as well as his movements moving to the left I dodged an obvious punch and aimed one for his chest which he blocked then attempted to knee my face using my own leg I knocked his balance for a moment and used that to scramble onto him and clench forcing him down

He struggled for a few minutes before groaning "okay okay!! I yeiled" I let go and started panting "thank the heavens I wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer" naruto just chuckled before I caught on myself and blushed scratching my chin I took a feel for my skin it was still soft i haven't put my mask on again since  well when we are alone anyways since the bath Me and naruto haven't spoke about that incident maybe I should bring it up after all this I know my feelings but will I scare him away from this? That's the one thing I am scared about I have started becoming social again comrades have began to visit me and I have held conversation with them though not to the extent that me and naruto have but I can keep them

If he left..I'd surely loose all hope but I want to try I'm going to confess to him tonight at dinner...I'll tell him I've fallen helplessly and surely in love with him

After the training session I got into the bath with naruto we have gotten pretty comfortable with that I haven't tried making anymore moves but we do sit pretty close afterwords we get dressed and then naruto starts cooking taking a deep breath I started speaking no filter over my mouth any more "naruto..?" I hear him move some pots and then a small "hm?.." rings out I started flowing it all out "listen...I've been meaning to tell you but-"

A sudden thud on the door snaps me out of it "hold on kakashi one sec lemme get the door" he starts walking to it opening it I hear a conversation start seeming to regard me the door slams mid conversation and a fuming naruto starts mumblong ,..well it's now or never "naruto I'm in love with you I don't know if you feel the same but I've fallen for you and I want you to feel the same"

Omg...look at this an update! Don't kill me I blame college and work .-. Adulthood sucks but I hope you enjoy this small but big chapter I'll update soon promise


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