Remy's Eyes

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The sides have powers and learn about Remy's power, Remy and Virgil are brothers,  implied nsfw, incredibly bad writing

"Wassup, bitches!" Remy burst into the room and looked at Virgil through his sunglasses. "Long time no see, Para!"

Virgil turned slowly to face Remy. "First, I'm a light side now, so I'm Anxiety, not Paranoia. Second, you can call me by my name. Third, and most important, what the fuck are you doing here?"

Remy put on a false hurt face. "I apologize for wanting to see my younger brother, Virgil."

"Stormcloud, you have a brother?" Roman asked, surprised.

"He was just leaving."

"Come on, Virgie! Can he stay?" Patton chimed in.

"I agree with Freckles here. I want to stay. At least let me introduce myself!"

Virgil looked around and knew he was outnumbered. "Fine. Your glasses stay on, though!" He added as an afterthought.

"Fine, fine." Remy turned and faced the others with one hand on his hip and sipped his coffee. "Hi everyone! My name is Remy and I represent sleep!" He turned to Virgil. "So, judging by Prince Charming and Freckles' nicknames for ya, they're taken. Are those three single?" He gestured at Remus, Janus, and Logan.

"Nope." Virgil popped the p sound.

"Damn. Oh well."

Janus spoke up. "Why did you tell him to keep his glasses on?"

"Because my eyes are magic." Remy said matter-of-factly. Logan looked intrigued.

"What is their power?"

"I'd have to show you for you to get it." Everyone looked at Virgil who threw his arms in the air.

"Why do I even try? Fine, sure, whatever." He surrendered. Remy immediately took charge.

"In a line please. Who would like to go first?"

"I do, I do!" Roman was all but jumping up and down in excitement. He stepped in front of Remy and everyone stepped to the side so they could see what would happen without actually seeing Remy's eyes.

Remy lowered his sunglasses and looked at Roman. Roman instantly buckled, kneeling in a submissive position at Remy's feet, maintaining eye contact. Remus laughed at his brother as Remy slid his glasses back in place. Roman turned red as the spell was broken and he came to his senses. He stood quickly and brushed off any dust that might have somehow accumulated on his shirt.

"Who's next?"

Logan was next in line and, when Remy lowered his glasses, placed his hand on Remy's cheek and smiled at him with hunger in his eyes. Remy quickly replaced his glasses and Logan dropped his hand, apologizing profusely. Remy waved him off and repeated the process with Janus and Remus. Remus looked at Remy, smiling with his hands folded in front of him. Janus placed his hand on Remy's chest and smirked. Then it was Patton's turn.

"I bet Patton will melt into the floor." Virgil said. "What do you guys think? Remus, you're not allowed to comment."

Everyone agreed with Virgil and Patton just smiled at them as he stepped closer to Remy.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready." Patton confirmed, his smile widening. "Small warning though?" He leaned in and whispered something into Remy's ear and Remy nodded, smiling.

Remy lowered his glasses one last time. Instantly, Patton's hand knotted itself in Remy's hair and pulled him into a kneeling position on the ground at Patton's feet. Everyone gaped at Patton, surprised. Except Remus. He just stood there, smiling an 'I knew it' smile.

Remy looked up at Patton, too shocked to push his glasses back in place, or even close his eyes. Patton just looked at him, all the sweetness gone from his face. Remy managed to clear his thoughts enough to close his eyes and the spell broke. Patton slowly, teasingly, released Remy's hair and he pushed Remy's glasses back in place for him.

Roman broke the silence.

"What the everloving Disney fuCK just happened?" Remy stood and looked at him.

"You just found out that Freckles a top."

Roman looked to Remus for support and saw he was unsurprised. "Did you know?"

"I did. My power, remember?"


Everyone looked at them, confused. Patton spoke up. "I thought your guys' power was manifesting objects and places?"

Remus smacked his forehead. "Shit, sorry. Forgot you guys didn't know. So, let's start with Roman's power, because our powers work the same way. So, if Roman is within a 10 foot radius of someone, he can tell what their love language is-"

Roman spoke up, interrupting his brother. "When I am within a 10 foot radius of someone, my love language changes to match theirs." He moved to stand next to Logan. "Like, Logan's is compliments. You are looking great today, by the way." He moved to Virgil and intertwined his hand with Virgil's. "Virgil's is touch."

"Don't touch me." Virgil was looking at Remy, who laughed.

"Ok, but what does that have to do with Remus knowing Patton is a top?" Janus asked.

"I'm glad you asked! My power works the same way, but I have to be within 3 feet. If I was to move next to Patton, I would know he is a top, because I would shift to be a bottom. and vise-versa. I become what whoever I'm closest to needs."

*Camera zooms to Logan, who has a pen and notebook out and is scribbling furiously in it*

"Fascinating!" He breathes, eyes alight with curiosity. 

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