Strange Soulmates

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soulmate au, logince, intrumoceit, homophobia

"Show me, show me!" Remus cackled. Roman rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"I don't know where it is. I couldn't find it. Maybe I don't have a soulmate."

Remus grabbed Roman's arm. "Hey! If anyone has a soulmate, it's my über-romantic brother. You not having a soulmate is like the sun not being on fire!"

Roman smiled at his twin and shook off his hand. "Thanks, bro." He stood and moved to the door. Remus leapt up and shouted, pointing at Roman's head. He turned back around. "What?"

"Your soulmark! It's on the back of your head!" Roman touched a hand to his scalp and looked at his hand, as if checking if the mark left a residue.

"Really?" He thought for a moment. "What is going to happen? Who just touches someone's head? What if my soulmate is some kinda weirdo?!" Roman started pacing and wringing his hands. Remus rolled his eyes and put a hand on his shoulder to calm him. Roman looked up at him and took a deep breath. "You're right. It can't be that bad. I mean, at least I know I don't have you as a soulmate." He laughed and Remus jokingly punched his shoulder.


Logan studied the black mark on his hand, turning it this way and that. "I'm pretty sure it hasn't changed in the last five minutes, Logan. Relax." Janus laughed. Logan rolled his eyes.

"I know it hasn't changed. I just think the idea of soulmates is strange. The idea that there is the 'perfect person' for each of us, when, in reality, no one is perfect! It just doesn't make sense."

Janus crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame. "So, when you find your soulmate, you aren't gonna..." He trailed off and Logan shook his head.

"No, my soulmate is my soulmate. Besides, for all I know, my soulmate has been waiting for me all their life. I can't just crush that on a theory."

Patton poked his head in the door. "Y'all are getting out of the house now! How are you supposed to find your soulmate if you never leave the house?" Logan stood, straightened his bedspread, and grabbed his backpack before following Janus and Patton out of the house.

Roman basically dragged Remus out of the house and to the park. "Come on, 'Mus! It's not that bad. Besides, how're you supposed to find your soulmate if you only go outside at night? Most people aren't nocturnal, y'know."

Roman yanked on his brother's arm, pulling him away from the shadows under an awning. Remus lost his grip on the pole he was clinging to and they rocketed backwards and into a group of people. The twins stood and helped the two men up. The third had stepped lightly out of the way.

"Thank you." The shorter man chirped. The taller man brushed a couple leaves from his shirt and froze.

He tapped the shorter man on the shoulder. "Pat? I think you need to look at this." he showed 'Pat' his arm, which had turned rainbow. 'Pat' immediately looked at his own arm and squealed in excitement. They turned to the twins. "Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Janus, this is Patton, and that is Logan." Janus pointed to the man standing off to the side, who nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Roman bowed to them. "My name is Roman and-"

"I'm Remus! The better twin." Remus interrupted. Roman huffed and Janus chuckled.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you. Maybe I could buy you two a coffee and we could get to know each other?" Patton offered. Remus grinned and Roman shrugged.

"I don't see why not. Lead the way!"

Logan had sat in a booth next to them, not wanting to impose on the soulmate trio. After a few minutes of constant babble, Roman joined him. "Hey. What's up?"

Logan looked up at him and waved a hand noncommittally. "I'm just looking to see what I should order."

Roman took the menu from his hands, scanned it, and pointed to an item. "Try this one. I think you'll like it. You like simple things, right?"

Logan stared at him. "How did you..."

"It's kinda obvious if you pay attention. The way you speak and your posture hint to you having a very 'no nonsense' attitude. No nonsense includes not having a ton of 'frivolous' things. Hence, this drink." Logan stared at him. "What?"

He blinked. "My apologies. I just didn't think you were the analytic type."

"May I take your order?" A man stood next to the table, a notebook in his hand.

After a moment, Roman supplied, "I'll have a Venti Caramel Crunch Frappe."

"And I will take a black coffee with a blueberry flavor shot and cream."

The man nodded. "Alright, one Caramel Crunch Frappe, and one Blueberry Cream Dream." He took their menus and walked away.

Roman faced Logan again. "You know you could've said the name of the drink.'' Logan shrugged and Roman chuckled. "You really are something."


"So, why are we in a library again?" Roman asked. Logan huffed.

"Because you forgot to get a recipe book for desserts for Patton, so he can make something for Janus' birthday. Shall we?" Logan gestured to the shelves of books.

"Oh yeah." Roman muttered. They moved to the nonfiction section and started combing the shelves.

Half an hour later, Roman groaned. "How long have we been here?"

"Calm down. How about this one? '101 confectionery creations'?" Logan held up a book to show Roman the cover. He snorted.

"They ripped off Disney. We should just get Janus 101 Dalmatians.'' Logan smacked him upside the head and Roman laughed.

"Let's just check it out." He moved to the front desk and set the book on the counter, Roman trailing behind him. An old man took the book and scanned it.

"Well, then, young man. Going to make a cake for your soulmate? She must be one lucky lady!"

Logan looked at him confused. "Sir, I'm afraid you must be mistaken. I haven't found my soulmate yet."

"But your mark. On your hand?" Logan looked at his palm and gasped. He looked up at Roman in shock.

"Roman. please turn around." Roman complied and he saw the rainbow mark on the back of his head. The old man gasped in disgust.

"You're homosexuals? Leave this place at once!"

Logan looked at him blankly. "Once I grab my book, I shall do just that. I have a soulmate to learn more about." The old man snatched the book away from Logan.

"Absolutely not! Get out of this library!" He shouted. Logan clenched his fists, trying to control himself, and Roman stepped in front of him, ready to defend him.

A young woman walked out from the back room. "What is going on here, Harold?"

The old man, Harold, turned to the young lady. "I refuse to associate with these people!" He pointed to the Logan and Roman accusatory. The woman put a hand on her hip and frowned at him.

"What did they do, exactly? They don't seem to be doing anything scandalous."

"They are sinful homosexuals and I will not let our good library be tainted by demons like them!" The woman cut in.

"My library." She turned to Logan and Roman. "I'm sorry, but would you two mind telling me if you are soulmates?" They hesitated, but she winked at them and her lips turned up in a small smile. They both nodded in unison.

"Ah, I see." She turned back to Harold. "Well, in that case, you can hand me your name badge and tell your wife a pansexual sinner fired you." Harold spluttered, his face purple in embarrassment and fury. He aggressively took off his badge, dropped it on the counter, and stormed out. The woman turned back to Logan and Roman. "I am so sorry about that. Here, keep the book. My treat. Also, you look really cute together!" They thanked her and left.

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