Chapter one

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What is color?
Mentioning this might make everyone think about all the scientific explanations, but not me.
Not anymore...

Back then, I didn't even know about them.
But you taught me what was them.


I sheltered myself in a bus stop for preventing myself
from getting wet even worse.
People were trying to escape the pouring rain to their warm, cozy houses.

The earth was probably trying to merge with
I was shaking due to the freeze and all of my wet clothes that were already stuck to my skin.

I was looking for the bus but it hadn't came into view yet.

Although, I noticed you.

You've been standing in the street without
any movement.
You haven't even cared that rain was sliding
down on your body.

A huge  Misunderstanding gripped my
mind. I was almost panicked.
If I believed in magic I would have thought that it was definitely some kind of trick.
Otherwise there was something wrong,
How could I see your face?
There were no mixed details.
No blending features.

As far as I remembered, I was seeing human face for the first time, if of course you were a Human...

No words could describe your face.

There were thousands of emotions on it.
Big sadness had its place on your forehead.
Immeasurable happiness could be observed near the chin.
Confidence on one cheek
And big chaos on other one.
But your eyes.
Your big, doe  eyes!
They were neutral.
There was nothing.
But there was everything.
All of your feelings were blended in them,
which made me lost myself.

Then you looked at me.
As soon as your stare reached mine,
something exploded inside me.
It wasn't pain.
Nor relief.

Something appeared inside me.

                             The First color.

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