Chapter nine

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I'd been waiting for two days.
I'd been sitting in front of the door, with nothingness reflected on my face, for two endless days and waiting for you to come back.
As if I got away from everything existing
I only needed you and to breathe for survival.

After two infinitely excruciating days I barely managed to get myself up from the cushion and forced her with the rest of strength to take a step.
Was my black weakening?!

It felt like my body and soul were breaking apart from something...
Something that was essential to live!
However, I'd been grabbing it with claws.
I needed it!
I needed you!

I took the crimson red coat and leave our house.
Staggering all along the way place where the illusion and reality were bordering.
Our place.

I wasn't wrong.
As soon as I arrived the first thing I took a glance was you.
And it didn't take a second for unwanted thought to break into my mind.

You were there, but somewhere far from this place.
Somewhere far from me.

Tears started rolling down on my face unconsciously.
I ran towards you and fell on my knees.
I didn't even care about blood, coming from my wounds.
I couldn't feel pain on them.
I felt like my soul burned, due to seeing your faded face.
Heart probably stoped beating.
I touched your cheeks gently. Travelled my hand on your nose, eyes, chin, forehead...

I smiled with warm liquids still exploring my cheeks.
You were so beautiful tho...
Not even death could decline your charm.

Once, when my hand got away from your face I felt tremble on my whole body.
I didn't want to perceive the reality.
I preferred to keep chasing to the illusion.

I lost my colors.
Colors that you gave me.
You were lying in front of me.
You had thousands of colors, but you were uncolored though...
Now, I was faded too.
I became similar to you.

At this time I touched your still pulp but already cold lips, from which I could still feel the warmth.

I sensed being uncolored again.

There're only a few chapters left.

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