Chapter four

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When did yellow start growing inside me?!
Why at first, didn't I realize that I would breathing with yellow?!
I saw it for the first time, when we were looking at cloudless, dark, but starry sky.
It was our tradition.
There, in the infinite space, was out own world.
World for me, you and colors.

That night, lying beside you, playing with your fingers with mine, and you singing with your crooning, angelic voice, I had an imagination that one star flew at me and got into my heart.
I looked at you and recognized new color.
You were still singing, giving life to every note.

Then, I used to feel yellow every second I saw you.
Everywhere around you.
Used to see it from each corner of my eyes.
Even used to see it on me.
But not on you...

You were my yellow, as well as the rest of all these colors, Every sense and emotion.

You were the hope that I was human too.
Hope I wasn't worthless.
Hope that you would be here, with me, till my last breath.
You would be the last thing I would see before closing my eyes forever and dive into nothingness.
Hope that I wouldn't die alone. Die and no one would care, no one would notice. Only worms would eat my lifeless corpse.

Jungkook, how could you manage to dye me, even though you were Uncolored ?


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