Big Shock

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt cold. Zac had all the blankets pulled towards him. He was still sleeping so I lay down on top of him, the blankets were between.
"Goodmorning sunshine" I said with a happy voice. "That I share the bed with you doesn't mean you can have all the blankets" I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He opened one eye and I saw he was still really sleepy. He lay his arms on my back and closed his eyes again. I started to kiss him all over his face. I gave him like 1000 kisses. He rubbed his eyes and opened them with his eyebrows raised.
"Gooooodmorning" He said with a happy voice.
"Did you hear what I said Zacharyyy?"
"Yes I did baby" And he rolled over so now he was on top of me and I had the blankets on me.
"Happy now?" He said and gave me a kiss.
"Yeah, thank you cutie."
He lay back down next to me under the blankets.
"Last night was amazing Em, you are amazing. I love you Emily" He said while first looking at the ceiling but then turned around to look at me. We were both laying on our sides looking at each other.
"I love you more Zachary "
"Oh stop that, that's impossible. I love you more than Romeo loves Juliet."
I giggled and started to say that I loved him even more than that but he lay his finger on my lip.
"Shhhh. Don't say anything girl"
He stroked my cheek. I kissed him and stood up. I pulled on underpants and a camisole. He was staring at me while doing that. I walked to the curtains and opened them. He was following everything I did, every move I made. It made me feel really special. The sun was shining bright already and I loved it. I looked outside and felt like the happiest person on earth. Zac came up behind me, he put his arms around me and lay his hands on my stomach, nearby my navel. He held his own hands to keep them together. His head was on my shoulder.
"I want this every morning" He said.
"Me too..." I said with the thought that I'm leaving in 2 days.
"Zac, you know that I have to go back home in 2 days, right?" I said with a sad voice.
"Yeah I know. But I can come with you. I can just... I can come with you, Em" He said with hope.
"How? You've already paid for this vacation and wouldn't your parents worry or say you can't?"
"Oh baby, money is not a problem at all. And I'm almost never home. I have my own house. Remember I'm 26?" He laughed and took my hands.
"For me it's not a problem, but I only do it if you're okay with it."
We went to the table and sat down with some breakfast.
"I really want it, really! But how can it all not be a problem for you? I don't understand some things. What's that with the money? No problem at all, not home really often, blablabla. Can you explain me? I don't understand." I said to him, hoping that I didn't sound too suspicious.
"Well you know, I get well paid for my work."
"What work do you do?"
He laughed.
"Why are you laughing?"
"Why are you asking?" He replied.
"Cause I want to know what work pays you so much"
He laughed again.
"I'm an actor. A film actor."
"You're a film actor?" I said with a non-believing voice.
"What movies do you play in?"
He looked at me with an uncomprehending look. Then he started to tell what movies he played in but still with a weird sound in his voice and a weird look on his face.
"Hmm sexy" I said. "An actor" And I laughed. He still looked at me quizzically.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I tried to look the same.
"I don't understand" He said, now seriously.
"What don't you understand?" I said with a bit of panic in my voice.
"You don't know me?" He asked with this weird voice again.
"Ofcourse I know you, silly" I replied but with a less confident voice. What was he talking about?
"No Em, I mean as an actor. You had never heard of my name before?"
"Uhm no, why? What is it Zac? I don't understand."
"Hoo shit" He said. "Woah Em, I think I have to tell you something."
"Tell me than. What is this?"
And he began to tell me that he is a famous actor and that he has millions of fans and that he plays in many known movies. That he deserves a lot because of this and that he is rich. It scared me, my eyes widened and my mouth fell open. Why didn't I know this, and neither my friends did?!
"Em, are you okay?"
"Uhm, yeah, I guess. Why didn't I know this? How can that be possible? Jenna and Lizzy also didn't know it. How? What the..."
He laughed weakly.
"I'm actually kinda happy that you didn't know it, it's weird but you know, don't get mad. But now I'm sure you didn't like me because of that."
I gave him a weak smile.
"Come on Em, tell me what's going on in your mind right now."
"Well, you know. I gave my body to you, I had sex with a famous actor, that's not something I normally do. Also I'm his girlfriend, I love him more than anything and the whole world gets to know it." I was a bit panicked.
"Zac I'm just a regular girl. I don't know if I can handle with that. I-I don't know..."
"It's okay baby. And you are not just regular to me! You are super special to me, really. It's gonna be fine, I promise. I'll try to keep them away from you, the paparazzi"
He made me feel like crazy. I love him and I can't give up on this. Maybe I can handle this. I have to give it a try. I kissed him.
"We have to tell it to Liz and Jen. They will be shocked." I said. We dressed and apped them for having a talk in my room as soon as they were ready. After like an hour they arrived.

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