Don't want to talk

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The whole drive to my house, we didn't say a word. I listened to the radio and closed my eyes while singing the songs in my head. Zac looked sideways to see how I was doing. When we arrived he stopped and leaned over me.
"Don't be nervous, I'm here and I will always be"
He gave me a long kiss on my mouth, stroked my cheek and put my hair behind my ear. We got out of the car and rang the bell. Dad opened the door, he hugged me and let us in. He whispered in my ear "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Mom is sorry too, we talked."
I smiled and hugged him back. Mom was inside and I saw her when walking in.
"Hey Em"
"Hey Mom"
She smiled to me and I gave her a small smile back. I was still a bit angry at her. Me and Zac sat down next to each other on the couch. Mom and Dad were on the opposite of us. I was waiting until they'd say something.
"Em I'm sorry about what I said" Mom said. I was still waiting for more.
It was this awkward moment you never want to have, because my parents and I could not act normal to each other and my boyfriend just sat there next to me, nothing to say cause it was up to us to talk.
"I'm sorry that I yelled at you, I mean, I didn't want to go mad at you. I don't want to hurt you or stop you, but..."
I was looking at her.
"What Mom, what's the 'but'?"
"You know.." She looked at Zac with her worried look.
"Just say it Mom"
Dad finished for her.
"She's just scared to give you away. She knows that he will treat you right, but when your brother died, she, we, only had you. And we have always been with you all these years and it's hard to let you go now, so fast."
Mom had tears in her eyes.
"But Mom, you will never lose me. I will always be your doughter and I will always love you both. I will always keep coming here, but I'm older now and I'm making my future."
I looked at Zac while saying that and he smiled with cute, happy eyes. I saw a future in us, he also did.
"I know sweetheart and I know I don't have to make your choices, that is your job. I know it's going to be all fine, that moment was just.. It scared me so and my head exploded. I've thought about it and I know I have to let you go. I'm so happy for you, maybe I don't show it, but I am, Em. I really am."
"Thanks Mom. Thanks. I love you"
I stood up and walked over to her, I gave her a big hug and a kiss on her cheek.
"I love you, sweetie. I will always do"
After talking for a while and drinking something we went back to Zac's house again. I took some clothes this time and knew that this was my first stap to a beautiful future.
"Hey Zac" Dad said to Zac when me and Mom were hugging.
"Hey Mr.Rose"
"Hey man, take care of our little girl, huh"
He punched him on the shoulder.
"I will Mr. Rose. I will" Zac smiled.
"Thanks. Call me George please, Zac. You're a good person. Thanks for being good for her"
Zac just nodded and showed Dad that he was happy that he said that.
"I'm sorry about Nathalie, my wife. She's so afraid, but it's gonna be okay."
"It's a normal thing. I have no problems with it." Zac replied.
After we said goodbye and we were in the car, Zac said. "Doesn't this feel better, baby?"
"It does. I feel so much better now. I can go to you without any worries and I can be happy with you and it's going to be amazing omg. Thankyou so much, Zac"
He smiled while driving. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and whispered "I love you I love you I love you I love you I love y..."
"Stooooop! Don't do that now Em, I'm driving. You know I'm driving" He said with a giggle.
"But I just love you so much, I can't keep it in anymore"
I said with a teasing voice. He raised his eyebrows and smiled. Then he started to tickle me with one hand. I giggled and laughed harder.
"NO ZAC!" I laughed like some weird seal. "ZAC, YOU-" I tried to say, but I had to laugh so hard. "YOU ARE DRIVING Z-" I yelled.
He laughed about me and took his hand back on the wheel.
"You stupid, I hate you"
I said, but laughed so he knew I didn't mean it of course.
"You know I can just put you out of the car now, huh"
"Yeah I know, but you won't"
"No I won't now, but I can. So be careful with what you say, baby"
"Oooohh, you make me really scared now"
"That's good, you should be"
The rest of the drive we listened to the songs on the radio and he sang along. His voice is so beautiful, you can't imagine that. He wanted me to sing too, but I still didn't want to. 'Maybe another time' I said again. We arrived at his home again, he opened my door and let me out. Then he said he wanted to show me something. He took my hand and started to walk, I followed and didn't know what I was gonna see..

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