*Cancer's Locker*

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CANCER: I don't want to be her friend no more. She went too far last night.
ARIES: She shouldn't has lashed out on you like that. Then again, she's depressed. She lost her first child.
CANCER: That's her dumbass for being stress everyday.
ARIES: Calm down baby. I don't want that happening to you. We came too far.
*Europa, Solar and Celeste pauses in front of the couple.*
EUROPA: Where's your ringleader? I haven't seen her since turnabout.
CANCER: She's at home crying over her miscarriage.
ARIES: Cancer!
CANCER: It's the truth.
EUROPA: She lost her baby?
SOLAR: Karma is a bitch.
CELESTE: *Narrows in on Cancer's stomach.* I guess you're next.
CANCER: *Enrage with emotions.* How dare you speak death over my babies!
EUROPA: Y'all embarrassed me.
ARIES: Get over it!
EUROPA: Never. I want revenge.
ARIES: You're pathetic as fuck.
EUROPA: At least I'm not a teen parent.
CANCER: Your parents had you when they were seventeen.
EUROPA: But their relationship wasn't toxic like yours.
CANCER: At least I have a boyfriend. You never had one and never will.
ARIES: Horrible style. Horrible teeth. Horrible hair. Horrible attitude.
SOLAR: They do have a point.
*Europa gives Solar the evil eye as she storms off.*
*Celeste immediately follows her leader.*
SOLAR: I'm sorry Europa! *Follows behind.*
ARIES: I can't believe you told Europa that Virgo had a miscarriage.
CANCER: People are going to find out anyways.
ARIES: Yeah, after Capricorn and Virgo told them.
CANCER: *Shrugs.* Oh well. She shouldn't had been a bitch to me.

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