172. When We First Met...

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Yasmina to Kenji: When I met you, I hated you.

Kenji: And?

Yasmina: My hate for you is still the same.

Kenji: Really, that's it? My opinion of you was far worse and it still hasn't improved.

Yasmina: Whatever.

Kenji: Anyway, are we still going to prank Brooklynn and Darius tonight?

Yasmina: Of course, what do you take me for? A coward?!

Kenji: That's only one of the insults I don't associate you with. If you were actually a coward, it would be a blessing for us that you would willingly stay out of trouble. But then again, wishes don't come true.

Yasmina: I agree. Being a troublemaker can be so exhausting some times and mostly I just need a break.

*Sammy walks in the room*

Sammy: I don't know what I just heard but I'm not going to question it at this point.

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