Freaks In A Freaky World

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 I fell in love with the guy at the rock show, but sad to say, he didn't fall in love with me. This happened too many times. Getting my hopes up, "putting myself out there," as my friend Jessica suggested. But, I was always putting myself "out there", in the middle of nowhere; with not a single other living, breathing, wanting-a-missing-puzzle-piece person near me. I am a hopeless romantic. A hopeless romantic is the destination between depressing and envy worthy; it depends on if that romantic found a fellow romantic yet. I was in a real funk; looking for my first boyfriend, but still liking my "best guy friend," as he said, even though he left for a rich boy high school. Nothing was going to stop me from getting this quest completed: the quest to find a guy that loves music, dancing, and laughing as much as I did. It would just help if he happened to be tall, muscular, and handsomely skinny . . . but, so far I found muscular and skinny do not work together.

I finally stopped scoping out the guys surrounding me because my favorite song pounded through the guitar finally. I just let myself freak out for once. My feet bounced off the ground in unison with the bass, and my head whipped around in harmony with the drums. Jessica let out a wild scream. Ever since we met in the first month of high school she was the louder one. A guy screamed in reply, “I love you!” It was Jeremy from Biology. When Jeremy heard that Jessica was going to a concert in New York City, where she would possibly need help, he had to tag along. Because he had enough money to just throw away, he ended up getting a train ticket last minuet, hopping along with us, but getting a better grade hotel than us (this was typical 'I will pretend to be a commoner until it comes to hygiene' Jeremy.) This was another thing that also helped my mother agree to our long waited trip. Jeremy was rich, his father had, and so Jeremy also had enough power to make people 'forget' his irrational actions; especially girls with is blue eyes. Jessica was head over heels for him, and he was obsessed with her, but they were both afraid to admit it; even though it was blindingly obvious. I reminded Jessica about her relationship with Jeremy every time she tried to give me love advice.

The concert ended and the energy in the room was like nothing I had ever felt before. Jessica and I had saved up so much money for this concert weekend, hotel, and dog food to show that we could be responsible. We were not ready to stop listening to Gaslight Anthem, but we were definitely ready to fall asleep; even if the hotel bed was suspicioned to have bed bugs. We were only three feet out the door of the bursting building until Jeremy pushed his way past the boys, and merely looked at the girls to get past them, so he could walk dangerously close to Jessica. She immediately smiled, even though no conversation started until we made it to our hotel. Jessica's goodbye with Jeremy was awkward, so I slipped out before anything worse could happen in front of me. The conversation started with, 'My hotel is a block away,' and when I left they were talking about how Jessica obviously wanted to see his room for friendly purposes. 'I mean, not to sleep there. I just heard the hotel is really cool, with . . . um . . .I forget what I heard. . .but they like give . . . free gifts or something . . ,' Was the last thing I heard Jessica say. Her face was the color of a rose, and Jeremy couldn't stop playing with his foot or make eye contact. He was so smooth at school that it seamed like only in a dream he would become this awkward and scatter brained.

The hotel was not grimy at all; we just couldn't afford anything more than the worst room. The hard shinning floor of the lobby reminded me of my sparkling new sneakers, and how they were not the best fit in the world. Each step to the elevator was brutal, but the adrenaline from the concert was just now wearing off to reveal my pain. The hotel was shoved in between a stereotypical New York coffee shop and a Subway, so everything was short in width, but long in length from the rectangular shape of each room. Because of the small rooms but huge height of the building even the worst rooms were up a floor from the main entrance. I wanted to take my shoes off and just fall asleep in a trance while leaning on the wall of the elevator. But, the ding to tell me I arrived gave me enough energy to open my eyes and trug out of the elevator. The next three steps I took were taken while I was in a sleepy haze, so I didn't see a boy that was very muscular, and by the looks of it, very popular walk right in front of me. I tripped and pushed him by accident into a water fountain. His back hit the side with a thud, and I was suddenly awake.

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