The Last Second Before Sleep - chapter 4

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Chapter 4

            Jessika and I were drying our hair in the pool’s locker room (not only does the hotel have a locker room, but a BIG one) and she could not stop rambling on and on.

            “Oh. My. Gosh.” She screamed over the hand dryer, “Chase is so dreamy.”

            “I don’t know  . . .” My doubt brought a huge look of shock on Jessika’s face, “He seems kind of like a player,” I thought. The talk of a player made the definition of one pop into my head: John; my old crush that never really understand that girls have more than butts and sometimes senses of humor. You know. . . I thought of the last thing I said to John . . . Girls have hearts. And when you play flirt with them and then have a date an hour after you were making google-ey eyes at a girl that heart she has breaks.

            “He is not!” Jessika jolted her voice across the room, “He is cute, and gorgeous, and muscular, and funny.”

            “I think all you care about is looks.”

            “I do not! Looks is just . . .” She took a while to twirl a thread of hair around her figure, “The huge cherry on top.”

            “On top of What?” I grabbed my bag, “The lack of brains that you call humor?”

            “No . . .” Jessika managed an evil smile and keeping her chuckling in, “On top of the fact that HE IS A LEAD BAND SINGER!” I didn’t say anything but stare at my red cheeks in the mirror and try to hide a sudden jolt in my mouth that formed a quarter of a smile. “Oooooooo,” jessika’s pitched gradually raised in a teasing way, “Your blushing!” Jessika waked me. The playful push made my guard go down and the smile on my face returned. I was blushing like the red robin mascot.

            The entire walk home was Jessika making up funny scenarios of Chase and I dating with me on stage or when he is in rehearsal and me in school with everyone listening to his music. My gut cried for a minuet of no laughs, and it finally got it when reality struck.

            “Jessika,” I stopped her in the middle of a dream story, “I don’t even know his age . . . what if he is a senior? And I don’t know where he lives, or if he does sports, or what other bands he likes, or if he is a murderer.”

            “Well,” Jessika desperately scrambled for a reason to keep laughing, ignore reality, and pretend Chase and I would get married with rock star babies, “You don’t have to know any of those things yet. That is what dating is for.”

            “Jessika!” My tone jolted her to a stop, “This is a fantasy; a mere want for reality to change and for society to erase all evil boys in the world. I can’t go on a date with him because for all I know he has a record.” Jessika’s sorry eyes made me suddenly search through my bag for the door key and divert my eyes.

            My aunt greeted us with a loud snore: still sleeping at 2:00, and we both agreed that we were water logged and in a desperate need of a long sleep too.

I laid in bed thinking of how famous I would be after I started dating a Rock Star. I day dreamed as the venue came into my mind. Then it was filled with screaming and fist pumping fans. The lights blinked on and turned to blind the audience momentarily. There Chase was suddenly under the spot light; microphone firmly grasped and hair long; he was transformed into a figure that slightly resembled noel Fielding in his young (and good looking) years. Then the microphone crackled and a voice resembling Kurt Cobain rang through the club. Suddenly these dark black eyes looked straight into my soul. The eyes were beautiful but nothing like Chase’s in real life. Then I found myself on the stage, next to Chase, and he finished the song with a kiss on my lips and strum of a deep base guitar.

            The hotel room’s windows were open and sunlight seeped through the cover over my head, but sleep still managed to grasp me. You know, they say that the last thing you think of as you are falling asleep is the one thing you forced yourself to forget all day long. But, then as you fall asleep your mind gives in to the thought that begged for attention all day long.

            Sleep completely engulfed me as I stared into dark gray eyes with crystals of green and a black hole pupil that glistened with a blue outlining. It thought of Xander’s gorgeous eyes, and then I was asleep.   


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