Dream VS. Night Mare - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I woke up with fuzzy vision and a craving for some fresh water. I was so happy that Chase’s sudden appearance was just a dream . . . nightmare. It was a nightmare. My vision improved with every blink, and the furniture I was laying on came into focus. What? I lunged up off of the blue plastic pool chair I was laying on and grabbed a towel nearby to cover my body only in a bathing suit. No one was in the room with me, and my head began to throb. Was it a dream? Did I dream up the surprise visit? Or am I just forgetting half my day?

“She’s awake!” I heard a horrific voice. The groan’s sound waves I let out stopped at the three heads rounding the corner from the bathrooms: Jessika, Jeremy, and Chase. Chase: Nightmare. My eyes gave in for a minute, all focus disappearing, and my head feeling like I just ran eight miles. My blood sugar is down. Jessika was in her bathing suit cover, and handed me a cookie from the snack machine.

“Your head is huge,” Jeremy said.

“Thanks,” I disapprovingly, “That is exactly what a girl wants to hear.” I wobbled a little, balance off, and Jessika pushed me back down onto the blue seat. What’s going on? I nibbled on my cookie, “Wha-“ I stopped myself in sudden want to just sit on my chair quietly and look at the new face that made it into the pool room. ‘Dark boy’: Dream.

“What?” Jessika asked.

            “Um . . .” My stupor faded away and ‘dark boy’ made his way to the seat next to me. “What happened?” I felt his presence as he loomed over me. I found over the years that whenever I knew a cute boy was near me it was like I was under a microscope.

            Chase chuckled in a way that made me sick because I knew the stupid smirks of his actually worked on some girls, and I fell for one of them earlier: nightmare.

            “We were playing volleyball,” I knew that much, Jessika continued, “and you were distracted by . . . something,” Jessika glanced at Jeremy when he chuckled, and ‘dark boy’ slumped in his chair a little, “When the ball hit your head. You dove straight into the side of the pool and was knocked out.”

            Jeremy added, “Mr. hero here,” his hand flung towards Chase, “dragged you out of the pool. He was about to do mouth to mouth,” I shivered out of discomfort (possibly illness, possibly liking . . .too confusing) and slumped in my chair to hide my reddening cheeks, “But we stopped him as Xander ran to the lobby for staff help.” There was suddenly a name for the dark haired and eyed boy sitting next to me. I suddenly dwelled on his looks for so long that I felt like the entire room knew it, and my cheeks burned red again. I played with the towel over my lap. Chase's eyes saw my hands, and began drifting south of them. I wanted him to stop, but couldn't bring myself for hating the fact that someone was actually checking me out. I slapped my hand on my legs near where he was looking, to stop his weird trance.   

            “Oh,” I whispered. 

“The staff help is taking too long,” Xander’s voice boomed through my bones. Chase nodded his head in agreement, and looked out the pool door’s window like a horrible model trying to do a candid watch dog pose. But, I got the feeling like I would want a man that can help me and be stronger than me.

A woman with white nurse shoes and a first aid kit wobbled in, poked and prodded at me a few times, shined a light in my eyes, and suggested for me to just rest.

“I can deal with that,” I joked. Chase pushed Xander out of the chair next to me. I was disappointed and happy at once.

“I will relax with you,” Chase flirted: dream. He flung his feet up to the chair across from him, and slumped in a position that had his arms flex over his chest. I starred at his bisects, and he caught me, so I just kept starring while he smirked. It was what he wanted me to do, and I was tired of pretending that I like no one in the world while he was with me. Plus, I was never going to see this boy again, so I figured I mine as well soak him in then.

Jessika went to the bathroom, and Jeremy went to buy a snack from the machine right next to the bathrooms. Xander found a new chair and plugged his headphones back in. I felt my forehead. It was throbbing, hot, and like Jeremy said, huge. I was embarrassed about my looks and how there were two cute guys in the room, but I also told myself that I shouldn’t care because this whole thing was a coincidence. I am so confused. Damn hormones.

Then I heard the word that changed my entire heart uttered by Chase, "I am sorry," He stared at the floor. I was so shocked that all I could look at was the rippling water. I was about to ask ,'about what?' to get him to fill in the silence, but then I realized that he had many things to be sorry about. 

"You should be," I huffed; a new tank of gas thrown into my fire. 

"I was a jerk."


"And I was rude."


"And sexist."


"And objecting you."

"Yup . . ." I felt worse and began turning my head so I could see why he was letting me beat him up like this.

"And disrespectful."

"Chase . . . " I laid a comforting hand on chase's shoulder. A conniving smile grew on his hidden face as he tilted his head at the ground. I saw the smile, thought it was almost funny, and then jerked my arm away. There was this sudden realization that I was close to touching Chase's bare chest that sent fireworks in my eyes and sparks up my hand. I was just touching a lead singer in a band!

Chase huffed a tired laugh and then said, "I don't suppose you would want to watch Xander and I tomorrow. . . "

"You mean a gig?" My head was screaming, but I managed to play it cool.


"Where is it?" I asked tightening my towel around me again.

"The Stone Pony"

I felt my jaw drop to the floor.

"I was there yesterday. . " I yelled, caught up in my excitement, letting my towel fall and reveal my bathing suit again. chase's evil smile came back, with lightly blushing cheeks, and starring eyes. I grabbed the towel quickly. 

"Really?" Chase shook himself out of his stupor. 

"Yeah . . . but I am going to see the same band tomorrow as I did yesterday. . ." I was confused how a new band could suddenly pop up at the same venue on the same day as my favorite band was playing. . . was I wrong????? Did I mess up plans??? DID I READ THE RIGHT INFORMATION??!!! I was panicking, afraid that the tickets I bought were not for what I thought they were.

"We are the opening act. “Relief washed over me, but hormones' confusing feelings took its place. Do I want to see this guy or not??? Nightmare . .. no . .dream. Nightmare????? I forget. I don’t know . . .I . ..  I . .. 

"Oh," I replied. I was saved by Jeremy and Jessika when they walked in on the verge of hold hands. I winked at Jessika playfully, and Chase turned around to see what I was winking at.  Then I felt horrible for not giving him my entire undivided attention . . he obviously wanted me there . . .and there was really only one thing I could say because the tickets were already bought and it was my favorite band we were talking about.

"I will go," Chase turned around to me again. 

"Where?" Jessika chimed in.

"We are going to see Chase's opening performance," I informed her in a sarcastic I-just-can't-wait way. Jessika, however was thrilled because she thought Chase was perfect for me. She clapped her hands, disappointing Jeremy as he was about to make his move, and then she skipped over to the edge of the pool to dip her toes in. Jeremy followed her, and Chase grabbed the volleyball again. Then it hit me: there was another guy in this room. His lack of presence made me feel vulnerable, like he heard everything I said. For some reason I didn't want him to realize that I like chase. AHHHHH I just said I like Chase!!! I was so confused that it disgusted and annoyed me. I like Chase, but I don't. I want to see him sing, but I don't. I care about Xander, but I don't. AHHHHH!!!

like and fav!!! i finally realized where this story was going, so that is good! lol don't worry, you are getting to the good part. Be patient your Jedi. . . Be patient young Rose (comment if u know what I am talking about :) . . . Rose . . . Tardis . . . )

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