A Freaky Realization - Chapter 6

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 “You wore that shirt Tuesday!” Jessica scolded Jeremy. Apparently Jessica remembered Jeremy’s shirt selection. I would have commented about that but I was too happy. I was so giddy I knew that my smile made me look like a fool but I didn't care. I kissed him! Me! Girlfriend of a rock star! Of all the people . . .

All of a sudden Jeremy was hitting me, and not playfully. “What?!” I snapped. No one was allowed to stop me from day dreaming, not even Chase. Okay, maybe Chase.

“Why'd you do that?!”

“What?!” We screamed through the streets.

“What do you think?!”

“The kiss?” I asked. My voice lowered and my head inched forward so I could see into Jeremy's eyes. It was dark but I saw their glossiness and confusion.

“Yeah.” He whispered.

“Why do you care?” I waved Jeremy off. I turned around to the back door of the club that the guard promised to let us in once Chase said he was ready.

“Are you kidding me?!” Jeremy yelled again.

“Come on guys,” Jessica whined to get us to stop.

“What?!” I yelled at Jeremy. I felt Jessica’s hand but shoved it off me.

“You kissed a . . .” Jeremy saw the guard getting a little antsy and lowered his voice, “You kissed a random guy.”

“he's not random. He's Chase.”

“Yeah, and 'Chase' -if that is even his real name- has known you for two days only.”

“So?” I knew his point was crawling its way up his throat; soon to come out and not going to be taken by me very easily.

“So . . .” Jeremy begged me not to make him say it with his eyes. I viciously and rudely gestured for him to finish his sentence. Jessica began butting in again with a four year old's tone of voice when he/she wants candy. “He's only known you for two days and he already wants to kiss you. I think he has a hidden reason for doing this.”


A car whizzed past and horns honked.

My eyes stared beams into his soul; if I kept them there long enough Jeremy would heat up like a marshmallow and pop in the heat.

Jeremy's eyes dilated and his lip quivered once. Then he turned around and walked in the direction of the parking lot.

“What are you saying?!!” I yelled across the world. Jessica grabbed be. I wanted to rip him to shreds. “Come back here! I knew you were never a man! You can't even talk to a girl! I CAN be loved! I AM LOVEABLE! IT NORMALLY TAKE LESS THAN TWO DAYS!” Then Jeremy stopped in his tracks. My hands clenched and my teeth began to hurt from my jaw clenching.

“Really?” Jeremy said just barely loud enough to hear over the cars, “Well, it's been three years. John still doesn't like you.” I squirmed in rage and kicked whatever came into contact. Jessica let go and I ran after Jeremy. He ran too. Towards me. I slapped him in the face but then he grabbed my hand. I squirmed and hit and rioted but he had a death grip on my wrist. “LET GO!”

“Why are you hitting me?” Jeremy calmly said, “For telling you the truth?” Then he let my hand fall to my side. He got to the car eventually and I saw the blurry headlights blend in with the rest of New york City through my tears.      

Jessica was immediately at my side. I felt her rub my back. A third hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," i sniffled. Then it hit me what I must have looked like. I wiped all my mascara off in haste and tried to stop sniffling. I got up and shook my shoulders to slap myself back into playing it cool. 

A large coat was put on my shoulders and I took it. THe coat's owner was aware of how cold I was before I was. I turned to view Jessica and Chase.

My reaction was embarrassing. 

i must have looked like I was trying to catch flies with my mouth agape and eyes staring at him. Xander was there, not chase, and i was wearing his coat. Chase should have been out here picking up the shreds of my dignity, but instead Xander was. 

I don't know Xander! 

Suddenly i flushed, gave his coat back, and mumbled "thanks" even though i couldn't bare eyes contact. Later it came to my attention that any kind person could give me a coat. I also realized that if I was going to play "best friends" with him while dating Chase I would have to act like a friend. A friend would not give back a coat. A friend would say thanks and not be embarrassed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2013 ⏰

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