The Freaks - Chapter 5

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Loud roars sent the shocking energy straight through me. The crowd energy was epic and all I saw was the dark blue endless eyes staring back at me. Chase and Xander's band was fashionably late; every guy roaring once they finally made it onto the stage.

First a huge thick build man made his way onto the stage towards the drums. Then, Xander came out; dressed in worn blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather coat. He strummed a cord out of his fender guitar. The waves blew over all of us and shook the building's brick walls. The chord echoed and everyone cheered. Guy began jumping and pushing their way to the stage, but all I felt was Xander looking at me. It wasn't until I heard the familiar haughty voice scream through the microphone: Chase.

I looked at him suddenly, back in reality and the crushing crowd, and he looked back. I was the first to break away from his blue eyes; cheeks growing warm a shade per second. I desperately hoped the tall men in front of me and the dark lights hid each hint my face gave of being embarrassed.

"WE ARE . . . !" Chase roared. His hips suddenly swing to the right and his left leg flew to the left. His arms above his head, feet tilted on his tippy-toes, his hips rotated like Elvis Presley. The drummer slammed on the foot pedal, and Chase landed back on his back feet with a quick thrust. "THE FREAKS!" The sea of people I was in freaked out (pun intended) and I was forced to grab a hold of Jessika so we would not be completely trampled over. "Oooohhhh," Jessika purred, "Me like-y." Her whisper into my ears only made my cheeks grow s red they were purple.

"Stop!" I wacked her in the stomach playfully. I was debating saying the joke that came to my mind, but the energy made me think YOLO, "He is mine!" I immediately hoped that Jessika did not hear me.

"What?! Do you even know who I'm talking about!" Jessika asked. My face was a huge question mark.

"Uh . . ."

"I thought so. Well, I should . . .," Jessika crammed her neck to see something, or someone, behind me, "Go."

"What?! Leave me all alone!"

"Sorry," Jessika was already scooting past me, towards the bar, and (I soon realized) Jeremy.

The crowd calmed down and Chase stared right at me again after the band's quick discussion on stage about what to play. He stared right at me. Xander focused on the guitar strings. The beat began and I knew it instantly: "Lipstick Wonder Woman" by Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown. My heart became one with the beat. The fabrics of my jeans vibrated and the chain belt Iw as wearing clanged with each symbol vibration. I was completely absorbed in the lyrics. My mind wandered off as I stared at the hot singer in front of me.

I could have him.

Me! The girlfriend of a rock star.

A rock star with gorgeous blue eyes.

The song ended and I roared with encouragement and couldn't wait for the next song. Chase flashed a cheesy wink and smile that read his thoughts: 'I'm so perfect'. But, no matter how clear his intentions were to impress me, and I refused to fall for such a pretentious trick, but a smile twitched and I decided to stop pushing it down. Jessika came back over with Jeremy's hand on her shoulder. Before Chase started a new song h turned towards Xander and inched towards the edge of the stage. He wanted to get something. His eyes showed it; a longing. His toes were inches off the stage; heels keeping his body from being swallowed by the crowd. Then we made eye contact. I broke out into a sweat in the purple and green lighting. Chase's single open hand, one on the microphone, extended toward me. I could see the sparkle in his eyes and every head turn towards me. Jessika smiled and gasped and giggled and pushed me towards the stage all at once.

The room was suddenly much foggier, humid, and silent.

"Jane." Chase's voice echoed through the entire room, "Get up here." The corner of his mouth tilted but Is till stayed frozen. Was this his idea of funny? To humiliate me? Another shove made me stumble and close in on the stage. Five feet. Four feet. Three feet. I could see the knuckles and strained muscles in his out stretched large hand that he was holding out. People shoved me along and opened a path that I was forced to take. Or . . . maybe I was just floating towards his huge eyes. Girls chuckled and guys were anxious to get the music playing again. Jessika was in absolute awe and tried to ignore the slight jealousy she had.

My hands were sweating. The time passed by like a dream does. A minute took an hour to experience, but somehow you end up where you don't want to be without any reconciliation of the journey there. Chase was sweating in the heat but his hair was perfectly messy. Wet and glimmering from the spot lights, Chase grabbed my hand and a spark sent me shooting up onto the top of the stage. My feet hit the stage with a high and mighty sound but it was overpowered with Xander waking the band up for another song. Everyone screamed even before the third cord boomed through the amp: Reptilia by The Strokes. Chase was swaying violently with the beat (STILL HOLDING MY HAND!) There was a long intro so it gave Chase time to show off his charming smile, stare into my eyes, make me wonder what he was thinking of, and all along the way flex a few muscles that showed under his tank top. Chase was still looking at me when he was signing, now louder than ever. The Chorus started and he began screaming just like Julian Casablancas. He let go of my hand and turned towards the crowd.


I didn't even want to look towards the general direction of the crowd. What did I look like?! The climax of the song began, notes so loud my brain fluctuated. I was frozen. Heart beating as fast as the beat, but frozen. Mosh pits commencing but frozen.

A large and grabbed me by the wrist and I was thrusted towards the darker part of the stage. Xander amanaged to skip a single strum to save me and then somehow save the song. "Jump." Xander's lips moved. "What?" I doubted he could hear me either. Then Xander's feet leaped up and he began bopping. He looked like a person that knew what he was doing. Like he was at many previous concerts that were too crowded to really dance, but staying frozen would make any person look like a fool. I fell into his rhythm and focused on his feet. I did feel better, but time still did not go by quickly. A thousand eyes looking at me were in the back of my head the entire time. I knew that people were watching. My hands still sweated and I was still shaking, but I wasn't frozen either. Xander finished the song and smiled at me. It was rare. The first time I ever saw him smile, but it was also the first time I ever felt my eyes widen and hysterically smile back from such a truly charming gesture. It was burned into my mind. But, Chase didn't let me enjoy the view for very long.

I was grabbed and put into the middle of the spot light again as it changed shades of blue and purple. "Anyone here like Jane as much as I do?" Chase yelled into the microphone. I don't know how many people hollered in return - I was too nervous to focus - but I did hear Jessika screaming until her vocal chords ripped apart.

A few drunk men began chanting in the front. Not all of them understood what their friends were saying at first, so it began as a loud clamour. Then letters and sounds began forming. My neck stiffened. My fists shoved into my pockets and my feet grew their roots into the crowd. Now the chant was loud and clear. Even Jessika joined in: "KISS. KISS. KISS. KISS. KISS!!!!!!"

Chase doubled over for a second laughing. It was exactly what he wanted. The same cheesy smile was flashed, and with a shoulder slump, Chase inched forward, "Well," he got closer, "You better," His mouth scrapped across my ear as he bent over to whisper, "give them," his hair looked perfect and his eyes were glowing , "what," He pulled away, still inches from my nose though, to get a look into my eyes, " they," his large hands fit perfectly between my ears and the soft spot in the back of my head. My hands had a mind of their own and lay limp around his neck. "Want."

My eyes closed, thinking of his black eyes.

Then the crowd disappeared. Just him and I. Our soft lips touched and a spark lit. I leaned in as Chase pulled away. The drummer began a song before we were finished, and Chase needed his mouth for something else. It was already over. The crowd was back and louder than ever. Girls were singing "awwww" and guys whistled. I felt so embarrassed.

Jessika shoved her way to the front and grabbed my ankle to get my attention. I slid off the stage and eyes were back on Chase as he sang. Jessika and I just stared at each other, mouths screaming, jumping up and down to the rhythm, wondering what was going to happen next.

I stared back into Chase's beautiful blue eyes as he sang and winked at me.

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