Let the game begin!

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Katie's pov

We all watched as the bear made it's appearance. It kinda looked like the one of the coin I picked up early,it had a strange red light on it's left eyes while a black eye on its right side. It was black and white and kinda short.

???: Hello to all my guest! I'm glad most of you can make it here! Anyways how do you like this hotel so far?

The bear spoke as most of us stared in shock and confusion. Until one voice spoke from the crowd.

Cyan:Um... excuse me but where exactly are all the windows and exits? If this is a hotel then there should be a place to leave. I have to go back home.

???: Oops! I forgot to mention, you're not in any hotel. You're in the very first Game hotel!

Sundrop: Oooo!! What kinda of game are we playing?

???: We'll be playing a...drumroll please! Dadadadada!!! A killing game!

Some of us stood still while a few people forced a laugh to try and lighten the tense atmosphere. That only caused the bear to laugh evilly.

???: I'm not kidding! Now that would be a lie, a true to true real life killing game. I'll tell you the rules about the killing game.

1. Violence against the headmaster will result in immediate elimination

2. You can use any weapon you want from me, however you have to kill someone with it before midnight otherwise that will also get you eliminated

3. After I'm done with this speech I'll give you ID cards to use for your room,if a different card is detected besides the assigned one will result in elimination. Don't try me. They could also be used to enter the public bathrooms however if your gender doesn't match up with your ID then you'll be eliminated. For those who don't have Gender there is a bathroom made for you.

4. You have limited time outside of your room. 8:30 am to midnight. Anyone spotted outside before of after those times will be eliminated however if you had borrowed a weapon from me you can roam around for a extra hour.

5. The maximum limits of victims is two however the maximum for blackens is three. If anyone were to try and go over the limit it'll result in a elimination

6. If a body is discovered by three or more people a hotel trial will start however if the murderer goes back to the body with two other people it won't trigger since the blacken already had seen the body.

7. If refusing to corporate or play the game will result in elimination for the player(s).

8.A All players with supernatural abilities,dead or immortal are going to be taken those privileges away. Unless everyone here has a ability then you'd be able to keep them. I want as much as a even playing ground for everyone.

8.B If a player needs a certain something to survive they would lose the need of it aka you won't need it until you get out of the game.

And finally 8.C If players are more than one entity such as human,animals,monsters,etc they're aloud to play however if any can fly or breath underwater then you will have those abilities taken away.

Alrighty then,any questions? I expect to find someone dead soon because if no one kills anyone here then I'll eliminate all of you. And they have to be dead by tomorrow midnight. Bearwell!

Before anyone could ask any more questions he leaped up and disappear in the middle of nowhere. All of us stared at each other for a few seconds before something happened. Those who had the ability to fly dropped on the ground,those who could levitate objects fell to the ground those who magical items on them were taken away.

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