Beep Beep Beep

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Katie's pov:

After we finished cleaning up I happen to find a hidden Monocoin,after I put it in my pocket I leave the room while saying goodbye to everyone else in the room. I walked out with my hand in my pocket with the Monocoin and the piece of paper I found early,I decided to go spend the Monocoins at the slot machine,with the nearest one near the lobby.

Once I walked to the machine I placed the coin inside and out came a small container. When I opened it I found a golden heart shaped necklace,I placed another coin in the slot machine but when I tried to turn it it got jammed.

Katie:Aaaww come on!

I looked at the machine with disappointment before walking away. I decided to check my room if anything new appeared in there. I strolled down the quiet hallways as I made my way to my room to find a small watch device on my table,a small card, and a note. I opened up the note and read this.

"To Katie,the ultimate editor I present to you a special electronic device I call: The KumaWatch. To start it simply turn on the button on the side and it should ask for you I.D which I have provided for everyone and you. Once you show your I.D it should have all your data in the watch. This will be used during trials and when entering your room. This also will store any evidence you find. DON'T BREAK IT EITHER BECAUSE I'M NOT FIXING IT. Also you're allowed to bring some books from the library to your room with the bookshelf. And you also have both a sewing kit and a tools kit."

I pushed the button on the side which caused it to light up in a grey state before becoming a hologram. Then It asked for my I.D. Once I shown my I.D to it the screen turned a light violet color before the hologram expanded and turned into a 3D map of the hotel.

Katie: Even where I lived Technology wasn't this advanced! I'm kinda impressed on who made this.

As I admired all the details the intercom came on.

Monokuma:Lights out everyone! Go to your rooms and don't come out until tomorrow,sweet dreams!

The lights outside went out as the door locked itself preventing me from leaving.

Katie:This lights out rule... it's a bit early but I have nothing better to do though so I'll just go to sleep.

I went to the bed and laid down in it before slowly falling asleep.

Time skip to morning


I woke up to a blaring red light alarm that was going off as someone was banging on the door. I immediately sprang up and opened my door only to see smoke flood in my room as Jen running with a water bucket as Taka running with a fire extinguisher.

Katie: What's going on?

Cyan who came dashing behind them pulled me out of my room.

Cyan: There's a fire in the kitchen! We're trying to put it out before it causes anymore damage!

He shoved me to the side,grabbed a towel which he went it with the sink before running out as I did the same. We were both sprinted out of the room as fast as we could and made our way to the kitchen. The kitchen was in flames and flooding smoke into the halls as Taka,Jen,Sundrop and Piston tried to put out the fire. Meanwhile Dimentio was just watching with Bill,Snatcher and N while Monokuma was sitting next to the flames making S'mores and heating up Popcorn.

Cyan:Are you for gonna help or just watch?!

Snatcher:Eh it seems like you got that covered.

Bill:This is more exciting than I thought,better entertainment.

N:I wish but I'll overheat if I get too close,plus water will ruin my circuits.

Dimentio: Didn't start it,not my problem. Only time I do help is when I caused it.

Monokuma:I personally don't care but I get to make some free snacks while I'm here, using the microwave is too boring and I wanted something more fun. Besides I'm getting ready for the next event.

Cyan rolled his eyes at them while Snatcher stuck his tongue out at them. Once Taka got the fire extinguisher working he doused the flames until they've nothing but embers and ashes. The kitchen was covered in black soots and ashes and while most things unharmed there was one thing that stood out,a unusually shaped pile of ashes. Piston was the first one to notice it and informed us.

Piston: Everything in here is fine but why is there a weirdly shaped pile of ashes?

We all looked and saw the pile,it was lumpy in some areas while some were just flat. Jen stepped forward with Cyan's now ash covered towel and poked it.

Jen:Strange...Ashes don't-Aaa-aaa-AAACHO!!

Jen accidentally sniffed the ashes causing her to sneeze before coming back into reality and screamed like she seen Bloody Mary. As the ashes settled we were brought with a horrifying surprise,Frisk laid dead. Her fur was covered in ashes and soot while her paws were burnt to a crisp,her red handkerchief was no more and her eyes were melted,she had suffered a painful death. Piston covered his eyes as Sundrop collapsed while Cyan continued to stare at the sight while Taka started to hyperventilate. Meanwhile N had completely got out of the room while Dimentio nearly puked as Snatcher,Bill and Monokuma just looked unfazed.


The speakers blared through out the hotel as more and more contestants arrived to the sight,some gasping in shock,some walking out of the room in discuss, and some just staring frozen with fear. Once the last contestant arrived Monokuma spoke.

Monokuma:Well isn't that a way to go out! Now you're all wonder why I called you here,let me explain:

Since three or more people who weren't the culprit saw the body we shall have a hotel trial! The rules to this are simple.

1. You all have one hour and thirty minutes to spend however you like before we attend the trial. You'll use this time to gather evidence or- you know,cherish the last bit of your lives.

2. You'll be able to record the information on you KumaWatches. And you'll have the ability to use it during the hotel trial.

3.Once the time is up please come to the lobby as we'll bring the Hotel trial there! Goodbye and good luck because you all are going to need it!

Monokuma disappeared with all of his snacks as we all stared at each other with fear, confusion and despair (it's trying to autocorrect to Despacito).

An:Sorry I haven't uploaded this for awhile I kinda got carried away with somethings but I'm back so I hope you enjoy.

Danganronpa:Rebooted...Despair interceptsWhere stories live. Discover now