Who the eeveelutions like

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Idk I'm bored... lets put in the romantic relationship things!!!

Yoshi: doesn't have a crush but knows that he will hook up with Bird so he just goes with it.

Lapis and Flash: Happily married, don't love any of the others romantically.

Sol: Has a small crush on Diamond for being nice, but likes Cole secretly even though he isn't gay. Sol will not admit to this though, even under extreme pressure.

Diamond: Likes Cole, but knows that he just sees her as a friend.

Bright: has a crush on Grape, kind of likes Diamond, but more as a big sister.

Cole: has a crush on Grape, and thats it.

Grape: Has a crush on Bright, no mon else.

Elena: Cole is her senpai. She isn't yandere but she is leaning towards it.


Lucy: does not have a crush. shes 1 year old, what do you expect?

Aaron and Aqua: happily married.

Cream: hasn't decided on whether she wants to be in a romantic relationship or not. She has a small liking to Sofia when she saw her but stopped when Sofia said that she was looking for her mate.

That random male vaporeon that was the leader of the crabs: has a crush on Opal, since they are both vaporeons, but he likes any pretty girl and is very perverted.

Opal: hates every eeveelution except vaporeon. Has a mutual crush on the random male vaporeon.

Yep, there u go. Gimme more ask or dares!!!

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