The Girls (and Cole) do Ballet

14 1 6

(Takes place after arc 4)

*Notification sound effect*

Yoshi was casually hanging out with Bird in the living room of the house when he heard a sound come from his room. His ears perked up, and he looked in the direction of his room.

"What's wrong, Yoshi?" Bird asked.

"Another one already?" Yoshi said to himself, then looked at Bird. "It seems there is another ask or dare, I heard the notification sound come from my room. Want to come see what it is with me?" 

"Sure!" Bird exclaimed. 

The two eeveelutions strolled over to Yoshi's room, where Yoshi's ask and dare log was open. Yoshi went over to it and read the new dare. He then smirked. 

"Hey Bird, can you go get all the girls for me? The dare specifies you all." Yoshi asked.

Bird nodded, and she went out of the room. A few minutes later, all the girls came in.

"So, what's this about a dare for us?" Diamond asked.

"@Decidueye24 dares: 'To all the females, can you all wear tutus and dance ballet for me please?'" Yoshi said, smirking.

Bird, Diamond and Sapphire blushed, while Elena just smiled.

"Well, this seems to be a popular dare, I've seen this before in other stories." Elena said.

"What's ballet?" Lapis and Grape asked.

Finally, Crown sighed. "I thought I would never do it again... Oh well."

"What do you mean Crown?" Diamond asked.

"I did ballet when I was in my teens. I know a lot about it, and I could probably teach you all." Crown told the girls. "They want us to wear tutus though... I guess we have to buy them."

"Is anymon going to answer me and my sister's question?" Grape angrily asked.

"Ballet is a type of dance and . It focuses on graceful and strong movement following classical and other types of music. It takes a lot of discipline to learn it, and it takes quite a while to learn." Crown explained to the sisters. 

"Oh, I like dancing!" Lapis commented.

"So, who actually knows how to do ballet?" Crown asked.

Diamond and Sapphire raised their paws, but the rest of the girls didn't. 

"Well, I guess I will actually have to teach you all. But first, let's get you all in your outfits. I know a place where we can get them." Crown stated.

So the girls went to the store and bought ballet dresses and tutus for their ballet. Afterward, Crown brought them back home and started to teach them the basics of ballet. It took a while for Lapis and Grape to get it down, while Bird and Elena were quick to learn.  Crown then taught them more advanced techniques in preparation for the ballet. Cole, who watched the girls almost every day they practiced, decided that he would join as well. He liked dancing as well, and even though ballet was stereotyped for girls, Cole decided he would try it. It took almost two months to make everymon decently good, and everymon was more moblie and diverse than before. Eventually, they were all ready for the ballet. The whole team gathered at the stage in the town. All of the team's friends and family, including the King, Queen, and princesses, came to the dance, along with Craft and his Wattpad followers. The girls and Cole came on the stage, the girls all wearing tutus and ballet dresses, the colors near the colors of their fur. Cole wore a fancy suit and tights.

Crown led the start of the dance, slowly but gracefully moving around the stage, with most of the girls following her, doing similar movements. Cole and Elena stayed in the center of the stage, dancing seemingly in a romantic fassion. They all did many kinds of jumps and spins, as well as slender movements with their limbs. About halfway through their performance, the girls allowed moved farther into the stage so that Elena and Cole would have the main focus. The two eeveelutions moved around each other elegantly, holding each other to perform graceful movements with each other. They finished with Cole bending Elena down so that Elena was in Cole's arms. The entire audience erupted in applause, and Cole and the girls bowed as they finished.

After the performance, the team met at the house.

"Arceus, that was stressful." Cole commented, laying on the couch.

"It was so fun as well, though! Sure, it was hard work, but in the end it was amazing! We all did amazing!" Lapis exclaimed.

"I agree sis! I would definitely do it again!" Grape agreed.

"I'm just glad you were able to do that after you laid your egg Lapis. It would be impossible for you to do it while you were still pregnant." Flash stated.

Yoshi smirked at Cole. "I guess you're a ballerina now, Cole."

Cole stared at Yoshi with a stern face. "I am not a ballerina. The position is called a ballerino. Besides, ballet actually helped my body become more nimble, and on our next adventure, I will be stronger!"

"You were great out there Cole, don't let others pull you down." Diamond congratulated Cole.

"Yeah, you were amazing Cole, but Yoshi does give me an idea... You would look so adorable in a tutu of your own~" Elena said.

Cole's face went white. "Nope, nope, no, don't you dare. I am past my femboy stage of life."

Then everymon laughed, happy that the performance was a success.

Thanks to @Decidueye24 for the dare! I actually spent too much time researching what ballet is... Well, anyways, thanks for reading!

Art of the performance (as requested by Decidueye24):

Art of the performance (as requested by Decidueye24):

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