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October rolled around quickly, the weather becoming colder and the nights becoming longer and darker than before. Less than a week had passed since your rendezvous with Bucky in the university library, and it was all you had been able to think about. You had never done something so scandalous before, something so risky. It was that which terrified you, how you could've been caught at any moment, yet that was also the thing that thrilled you more than anything else.

The next day you had been cuddled up under the covers in your room with Wanda and Yelena watching some sappy romance movie when your phone screen had lit up. Wanda passed it to you without even looking at it, and as soon as you saw the message you were thankful that she hadn't.

Bucky (Prof. Barnes): Can't stop thinking about yesterday and last night. The bed feels empty without you.

You were certain that had you not turned the lights off for the movie, both Yelena and Wanda would have seen the blush that rose up on your cheeks, likely the same red as Wanda's pyjamas. They did, however, catch the smile that crept up your cheeks to kiss the corners of your eyes, and that was something that they wouldn't let go.

"Will you just tell us what's got you so happy already?" Wanda asked, leaning forward to pause the movie. "Because you haven't stopped grinning since breakfast."

"I actually think this grin is bigger than before even," Yelena interjected, rolling over and using her arm as a pillow as they both stared at you expectantly.

"It's nothing, really," you lied, trying to straighten your face, but failing entirely.

"Yes, I was correct. Much bigger." It was an off-hand comment, perhaps meant as a joke if you knew Yelena well enough, but the truth was that she was right. Ever since leaving the library the night before and sliding into the passenger seat of Bucky's car, his hand planted firmly on your thigh the entire drive through the city, The Neighbourhood playing softly through the speakers, you hadn't been able to stop smiling. That text was simply a reminder of how happy you really were.

Of course, it was complicated. He wasn't your boyfriend, there was no possible chance of that happening, and he certainly wasn't the type that you could take home to meet your parents over Christmas break or gush about to your friends. But he was still yours, even if only in the shadows. You wanted to know everything about him, you thought about him all of the time, and now it seemed he felt the same way. It wasn't love, it was lust with passion but also a hint of affection. It was sex and fucking, with quiet moments of him playing with your hair as you fell asleep on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

It wasn't something that could last, but you would enjoy every second of it whilst you had it.

"Is this about that boy?" Wanda asked, raising an eyebrow expectantly, as if she already knew the answer. "Did you see him again?"

Whilst you had told your friends about the conversation that you'd had with Bucky back in his office all those weeks ago, you hadn't explicitly told them that it was Bucky, or what had happened after the conversation. It wasn't that you didn't want to tell them, explain everything to them from the moment that you had walked into that bar on the very first night, but you knew that you couldn't - it was too much of a risk, not for you, but for him.

"Yeah, I did see him again," you replied, hoping that they wouldn't ask too many questions. You were wrong of course - you really should've known better from them.

"What?" Yelena asked, dragging the word out as she sat up to look at you properly. With the two of them looking at you like that you felt almost as if you were on trial, about to be sentenced for a crime that they didn't even know you'd committed. They didn't know the extent that your sins went, and they wouldn't if you had anything to say about it.

Fairytale of New York - Professor Bucky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now