Midnights - Drabble

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You remembered most of the New Years that had passed in your nineteen years of life. There was the year that you and your friends from high school had snuck out to your best friend's empty house to drink cheap champagne from her parent's alcohol cabinet. There was the year that you had spent with your family, curled up on the couch with the fire blazing watching the countdown on TV. There was the year you spent at home alone re-reading your favourite novel and almost missed midnight altogether.

But this year was different, because you weren't alone, or getting drunk, or stuck with your family. This year you were with Bucky.

New Year with Bucky consisted of three things. One: hot chocolate on the couch tucked under a blanket together as he cradled your feet in his lap. Two: Alpine snuggled up between you, content and happy, purring softly. Three: A simple kiss at midnight.

The clock struck twelve, and Bucky leaned over to you, pressing his lips against yours sweetly, the sugar from his hot chocolate lingering on his lips when he pulled away.

"Happy New Year, doll," he whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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