Past Disclosed

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Characters: Tuca, Bertie, Speckle
Warning: Mention of past sexual assault

"Bertie, it's been five years we've been together, come on. The past is in the past, just leave it there! You said you wanted to start a family with me, that you wanted to be a mom, so why can't you just put what happened behind you and leave it there? Just because your parents weren't the best, it doesn't mean that you'll be like them!" He was annoyed and thought this tough love approach would work.
"You think I don't want to? Speckle you just don't understand! I want to, but every time I think of you and me doing that-." She quickly changed what she was saying. "Do you think I like being this way? Being anxious and scared all the time?" She held back her tears, like she'd learned to do ever since she was little. Tears in front of others wasn't happy, it wasn't being cheerful. That was always the lesson she was taught by her parents. Never be sad, never say anything that was sad or negative. Only be happy and cheerful and positive.
Speckle threw his hands up in the air. "I give up, we'll never have kids at this rate." He sighed and checked his watch. "I need to leave for work, I'll see you tonight, okay?"
Bertie just nodded, pretending that she was fine now, that this entire fight or argument or whatever it was, didn't bother her.
After he left their apartment, she let the tears and sobs come. She was alone, no one would know her true feelings.
She picked up her phone and picked a live radio station to listen to, then put in the earbuds and closed her eyes.
A few songs went by that didn't really interest her, then she started listening to one of the classic rock songs that played.

I've been around for you
Been up and down for you
But I just can't get any relief
I've swallowed my pride for you
Lived and lied for you
But you still make me feel like a thief
You got me stealin' your love away
'Cause you never give it
Peelin' the years away
And we can't relive it
Oh, I make you laugh
And you make me cry
I believe it's time for me to fly
You said we'd work it out
You said that ya had no doubt
That deep down we were really in love
Oh, but I'm tired of holdin' on
To a feelin' I know is gone
I do believe that I've had enough
I've had enough of the falseness
Of a worn out relation
Enough of the jealousy
And the intoleration
Oh, I make you laugh
And you make me cry
I believe it's time for me to fly
Time for me to fly
Oh, I've got to set myself free
Time for me to fly
And that's just how it's got to be
I know it hurts to say goodbye
But it's time for me to fly (fly)
Oh, don't you know it's
Time for me to fly
Oh, I've got to set myself free
(Time for me to fly)
Oh, babe, that's just how it's got to be
Oh, I know it hurts to say goodbye
But it's time for me to fly

She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She thought it over for about an hour, wanting to be certain it was the correct decision. Once she made up her mind, she went to Storage Depot and bought as many containers as she was willing to haul through the apartment complex. She was grateful they had such a lenient landlord who didn't really care who lived with who as long she got the rent money.

She got the containers to the apartment and looked around before deciding to start with her clothes, shoes and a few pieces of jewelry.
She then started on her other things, which when she had them all binned, turned out to not be as many as she'd expected.
She sighed and looked at the extra containers, then remembered the kitchen. The pans and dishes were hers, and she wasn't about to leave her favorite foods behind.

In all, she had eight containers and now came the part that she probably should have started with.
She pulled her phone from her pocket and typed in a number while she did one more sweep for anything she might have forgotten. Beakbrush! She groaned thinking about how she'd almost left it.
Finally there was an answer from the other end. "Yo Bertie! Wanna go shopping?!" She winced hearing her friend's overly loud voice. "Or are we gonna go do some random shit? Oh! Unicycles! We need to do that!"
"Tuca!" Bertie finally said in exasperation. "No, not shopping, not getting unicycles, this is important. Can I... I uh... I need to come live with you. I'm leaving Speckle and he's going to come back from work in an hour and I would rather be gone by then."
"Damn, you finally did it! Girl, I'm so proud of you! I'll be right over and help you!"
"Thank you. I'll tell you what happened later. And a lot of other stuff, because I... There's stuff about my past I haven't told you and it just... I need to tell someone other than my therapist." She hung up before she could be bombarded with questions.

(Old Version) Tuca and Bertie: Saga of a Songthrush Where stories live. Discover now