Christmas 2007

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Characters: Bertie Songthrush, Muriel Nocturna, Anna Songthrush, Henry Songthrush

Warning: This chapter contains a lesbian love making scene, don't like, don't read.

Note: Bertie and Muriel are eighteen in the flashback.

Bertie was lost in thought, admiring her, then snapped out of it when Muriel set the mug in front of her.

"Remember the Christmas of 2007? Last year of high school, we were eighteen. It was when I picked you up and we spent the night together." She then sat next to Bertie.

Bertie nodded and picked up the mug and sipped the coffee. "This is amazing, I love it." She complimented. "Yeah, I remember. That was really nice. I wish I hadn't sold the car." She leaned against Muriel.
"As soon as Speckle is done admiring your home, we can head to the karaoke bar." She took another sip. "I wish we could recreate that day. How did we even make that plan?"

"You asked me what my plans for Christmas were. We were in the cafeteria on the last day before Christmas break..."

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Bertie pushed the questionable looking vegetables around the section of the tray they occupied. Although the appearance resembled mush. "This year my parents decided to host Christmas dinner at their place and they only invited their favorite relatives, which as it turns out, are none of my favorite relatives. So I'm expected to wear this frilly pink dress with frickin' bell sleeves and not wear my makeup or nail polish or jewelry, and I definitely can't say what music I like. I'm being fucking controlled and I hate it, I just want them to accept me and stop trying to make me feel like trash. This will be the worst Christmas ever, at least the other years I could see my grandparents on my Mom's side, and a few others who are nice to me." She tried the vegetables and frowned before spitting it out. "Bleh, those are worse than last month." She went for the tofu and dipped it in soy sauce. It wasn't great, but it was at least better than the other food served. "Soooo, what are your holiday plans?" She stuck the tofu cube in her beak and chewed it.

Muriel rolled her eyes. "Spending it alone. Again. Parents are spending their vacation in Aruba. Leaving me here, alone. Again. Deja vu there, they do that every year. I should be used to it, but dammit, why do they have to do that? They don't even ask if I'd like to go, they just up and take off, send me a text where they're going and that's it. It's the same every year, ever since I can remember. They would leave me with the nanny, but starting when I was thirteen, no more nanny, which is fine. It means I have freedom. But I just wonder what spending even one Christmas with my family would be like." She put her chin on her hands. "Ugh. They suck. I've never been out of this city, because they never take me anywhere. I just once wanted to go somewhere, even if it's not with them. To see these places for myself, to go surfing, to be on the beach. I want to experience something new, explore the world. I just want them to act like I matter." She sighed and pushed her tray aside, not hungry anymore.

Bertie laid her head on Muriel's shoulder. "I'd offer for you to spend Christmas with me, but..." Thoughts of the disaster that would ensue popped into existence.

Muriel cringed. "Yeeaahh, no thanks. I wouldn't even be allowed in the house and if I was, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near those people. No offense, but your parents are awful. Too bad you can't spend it with me at my place." She put her cheek on top of Bertie's head. "I want to share a dorm with you when we get to college."

(Old Version) Tuca and Bertie: Saga of a Songthrush Where stories live. Discover now