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Welcome, fellow reader.
Glad that you have clicked on this story, It may be cringed at sometimes but dont attack me, I have bad grammar.

Lets get to the main characters

Evan Afton
Hes a cold yet kind boy, he prefers not to talk to many people or stay in crowds, as it brings up his anxiety. He may sometimes be happy and loud, which is quite rare. But most of the time, he just stays alone or with his sister, sometimes even talking to himself and says theres a girl with pigtails infront of him.
Thats a reason why people call him a freak.

Aaron Melvin
Such a jerk, he is often seen bothering people or mostly just causing trouble. But he always gets away with it by telling lies to the teachers, he has friends, but not many as the students despise him. His main victim is Evan, but there isnt a reason that he bothers him so much..maybe, Aaron is just obsessed with him.

Now to the side characters

Elizabeth Afton
Shes a very hyper child, alot of friends and socializes more, unlike her brother.
Once almost got kidnapped by a stranger offering her ice cream.

Michael Afton
Also a jerk, still bullies Evan even after almost getting Evan's head crushed by an animatronic, however, he managed to get Evan out before that happens.

Allison Melvin
Twin sister to Aaron, not exactly the opposite of Aaron but isnt such a jerk to most of the people. She may be grumpy sometimes but thats just her way of being friendly.
Atleast thats what she says.

Characters that will appear time to time
And I do not need to put so much info

Cassidy Brooks
Mark brown
Simon Thompson
Fred Joseph
William Afton
Mariam Melvin

And Thats pretty much all of them, I suppose.
We shall get to the story now.
(Requests are open btw)

Loving Enemy(C.C x Protagonist/Chris x Parker)Where stories live. Discover now