Chapter 3

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It was the next day.
Evan had just arrived to school and of course, Cassidy was waiting at the entrance.

"Took you long enough!" She said, Evan chuckled, "sorry, had some technical difficulties with my sister." He said, Cassidy smiled and soon dragged him inside the school, while talking on the way to class, Evan bumped into someone. "Oh sorry!- ..oh Caleb its you!" Evan said happily, Caleb giggled at him, "almost thought you forgot it was me for a moment."

Evan smiled, "and this is Cassidy, Cassidy, meet Caleb" Evan said as he turned to where Cassidy was, one was there anymore.
"..huh..I guess she left" he said, "who?" Caleb asked, "my friend, Cassidy..she often disappears whenever I talk to anyone else" Evan replied.

"Maybe shes shy?, cmon we'll probably see her again later, we should get to our lockers" Caleb said trying to cheer up Evan, Evan sighed and nodded.
They stood by the lockers chatting, Caleb noticed that some students were eyeing them, must be because Evan is known to be a so called 'freak' in the place. Suddenly he heard a locker open behind him, It was Aaron. "The hell are you looking at freak?" Aaron said, though Caleb was new in the school, Aaron never intimidated him.

"Sorry mr.bully, was looking somewhere else" he said, Aaron looked irritated but then noticed Evan beside Caleb, instantly his expression dropped and he just continued looking for his stuff in his locker, "what class do we have after this?" Caleb asked, "uh..I think science" Evan replied, though he seemed pretty distracted by something.

Caleb noticed on where he was looking, Evan was looking at Aaron. A little weird dont you think? "Uh..Evan?" Caleb said, Evan didn't respond, he kept on watching Aaron as Aaron was starting to have a small fight with a random student. Caleb began to think of how Evan was looking at Aaron, was he scared of Aaron? Probably. Does he hate Aaron? Not much. Does he like Aaron? No one could tell.

Aaron dropped his book on the floor and began tying his hair up, oh snap, a fight was about to begin.
The other male looked intimidating, but Aaron seemed unfazed. Instantly a crowd began gathering, cheering on both boys to fight, Caleb looked back at Evan who had a worried face, Evan ran to the crowd to see whats going on while Caleb followed behind him.

-Aaron's POV-

Ugh..why did this guy have to start a fight here, I wish Allison was here to stop him...
A bunch of people gathered around us, I'm used to fights but for some reason, I didn't feel like doing it today.

The guy threw a punch at me but I quickly dodged it, I grabbed the back of his head and threw him to the locker, he charged back at me landing a hit at my stomach. Ugh..why always the stomachs.
I stumbled back before punching his face, he grabs my collar and threw me againts the locker, he was about to punch me again before I kicked his stomach making him fall back.

I got on him and started punching him repeatedly, he quickly grabbed my hands and pushed me off him. I was beginning to tire out and wanted to finish him off, but he just didn't want to give up.
-Third person's POV-

Aaron was tired of fighting, but he couldn't escape since there was a whole crowd around them. The guy didn't seem to be tired, he seemed angered and wanted to beat Aaron so badly, Evan watched in the crowd, he felt the urge to help Aaron but he couldn't do anything, "Is he okay? He looks so tired-" Caleb said as he looked at Aaron.

The guy then charged at Aaron, Aaron blocked him from doing anything but his body was getting a little too tired to be holding on this long. Suddenly Aaron slipped and both of them fell to the floor, Aaron saw this as an opportunity to get up and run away but the guy grabbed his hair, making Aaron panic as he suddenly felt his head slam into a locker.

He was about to fend for himself until he heard someone yell, "AARON!" Evan yelled from the crowd, causing Aaron to space out and the guy delivered the final punch, making Aaron hit his head harder on the locker.

Aaron's body went limp as he dropped to the floor, everyone started cheering for the guy that had just knocked out Aaron, but Evan and Caleb rushed over to the bleeding boy.
"Holy shit I think he broke the locker-" Caleb said, Evan was more worried on Aaron who was bleeding alot. Luckily, Aaron was still concious but he didn't have the strength to get up, some of the students looked at Evan as he was sitting beside Aaron, they giggled at his foolishness for even wanting to help him.

Aaron looked up at Evan who was worried for him, he felt warmth from Evan's sympathy. Caleb then told Evan that they should bring Aaron to the infirmary, Evan nodded and lifted Aaron in his arms. Aaron felt his cheeks go warm as Evan held him, he hid his face in Evan's shoulder as his arms wrapped around him. Evan was also slightly embarassed at Aaron's actions, he noticed the other students looking at him and chuckling, that only made things worse.
Aaron was now resting in the infirmary, Evan stood outside looking worried and Caleb was scrolling through his phone, "uh oh" Caleb said, "what?" Evan instantly looked at Caleb and noticed he was chuckling, "what-? Whats so funny?" Evan asked, "Well, it seems like you're famous now, in a good way..or not-?" Caleb then showed Evan a video. It was Evan carrying Aaron in his arms earlier, one of the students had recorded it earlier and posted it.

Now Evan is fucked. "Oh no no- Aaron's gonna kill me if he sees this-" Evan said, "hm..surely your boyfriend wont kill you" Caleb teased, Evan just had a worried face, he couldn't do anything about the video as it was posted anonymously. Suddenly the door to the infirmary opened, "Evan?" Aaron said as he was limping by the door, Evan yelped, taking a few steps away from Aaron.

Caleb bursted out laughing and Aaron was confused, "what? What's going on?" He asked, Caleb was about to show him the video before Evan stopped him, as the two were squabbling over whether to show him or not, some students passed by. "Oooh, Aaron's jealous his boyfriend is close with someone else!" One of them said as the others laughed.

"..boyfriend?" Aaron said.

(Damn guys- I havent posted in awhile, welp heres chapter 3 and yey cliff hangers HEHEHEHEHH
Also poor Aaron)
(End of chapter 3)
(1153 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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